General Psychology Test #4 - Module 1_PowerPoint_The Humanistic Perspective.txt

  1. What did psychologists become discontent about by the 1960s?
    About Freud's negativity and the mechanistic psychology of the behaviorists.
  2. What did psychologists place their emphasis on in the 1960s?
    The growth potential of healthy people.
  3. What did Maslow propse?
    That we as individulas are motivated by a hierarchy of needs.
  4. Define Self-Actualization.
    Fulfilling our potential.
  5. List the five parts of the hierachy of needs.
    • Physiological Needs
    • Safety Needs
    • Belonging Needs
    • Esteem Needs
    • Self-Actualization
  6. Define Unconditional Positive Regard.
    An attitude of acceptance of others despite their failings.
  7. Who coined the term "unconditional postitive regard"?
    Carl Rogers
  8. What did Carl Rogers do to assess persoanlity.
    He asked people to describe themselves as they would like to be (ideal) and as they actually are (real). If the two descriptions were close the individual had a postive self-concept.
  9. Define self-concept.
    All of our thoughts and feelings about ourselves, in an answer to the question, "Who am I?"
  10. From a humanistic perspective, a fully functioning, self-actualized person finds what?
    The perceived self as completely congruent with the ideal self.
  11. Maslow estimated that only what percentage of a population are self-actualized?
  12. According to Maslov, what were the four reasons so few are self-actualized?
    • 1) Self-actualization is at the top of the motivational hierarchy. This makes it the weakest of all needs and the most easily impeded.
    • 2) Jonah Complex - We fear and doubt our own abilitie and potentialities. To become self-actualized, one must have enough courage to sacrifice safety for personal growth. Twoo often, fear takes precedence over the challenge of self-actualization.
    • 3) The cultural environment may also stifle self-actualization by imposing certain norms on major segments of the population.
    • 4) Childhood expereinces, whether good or bad, may inhibit personal growth.
  13. What did Maslow call for regarding children.
    A "freedom within limits" in which there is the right mixture of permissiveness and regulation.
  14. What impact did humanistic psychology have?
    Humanistic psychology has a pervasive impact on counseling, education, child-rearing, and management with its emphasis on a positive self-concept, empathy, and the thought that people are basically good and can improve.
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General Psychology Test #4 - Module 1_PowerPoint_The Humanistic Perspective.txt