
  1. Abate
    A.revive ; rise
    • lower ; degrade ; humiliate ; lose self-respect
    • S.abolish ; annual ; negate ; quash
  2. Abet
    A.block ; hinder ; impede
    • assist ; help in wrongdoing
    • S.advocate ; goad ; sanction
  3. Abject
    • wretched ; as low as possible ; humble ; lack of self-respect
    • S. underfoot ; downtrodden
  4. Abnegation
    A.admittance ; surrender
    • denounce
    • S.abandonment ; abstinence ; sacrifice
  5. Abrogate
    A.approve ; ratify ; sanction
    • formally put an end
    • S.abolish ; nix ; vacate
  6. Abscond
    A.give up
    • to leave secretly and hide (avoiding law)
    • S.break ; flee ; fly
  7. Abstain
    • to refrain from sth by one's own choice
    • S.deny ; constrain ; refrain
  8. Abstract
    • apart from concrete existence
    • S.hypothetical ; ideal ; transcendent
  9. Abstruse
    A.clear ; easy ; simple
    • difficult to understand
    • S.abstract ; enigmatic (difficult to interpret); intricate ; unfathomable (fathomable = understand)
  10. Abyss
    • an immeasurably deep chasm
    • S.hell ; inferno ; netherworld (underworld)
  11. Accede
    A.demur(raise doubt ; objection)
    • agree
    • S.assent ; consent ; subscribe
  12. Accoutre
    • equip ; clothe
    • S.furnish ; gear ; outfit
  13. Acquiesce
    • agree passively ; comply without protest
    • S.assent ; agree ; accede
  14. Acumen
    A.obtuseness (slow to understand, 0 < angle < 180)
    • mental keenness, sharpness of judgment
    • S.wit ; astuteness ; keenness ; shrewdness
  15. Adhominem
    attacking an opponent's character to avoid discussing the issue.
  16. Adroit
    • skillful
    • S.dexterous ; clever ; handy ; nimbleb
  17. Adulterated
    • to make impure by adding improper or inferior ingredients
    • S.debase ; load ; weight
  18. Adumbrate
    • foreshadow ; represent in outline
    • S.bode (be an omen of a particular outcome) ; obfuscate (depict artistically) ; portend ; suggest
  19. Advocate
    A.impugn (dispute the truth)
    • to speak ; plead ; argue in another's behalf
    • S.champion ; proponent ; supporter
  20. Aesthetic
    A.ugly ; displeasing
    • concerning the appreciation of beauty
    • S.artistic ; creative ; gorgeous
  21. Affable
    • easy and pleasant to speak to ; amiable ; friendly ; good-natured
    • S.gracious ; congenial ; cordial
  22. Aggrandize
    • to make greater ; to increase ; exaggerate
    • S.multiply ; augment ; extent
  23. Aggregate
    • sum ; total
    • S.amount ; add up
  24. Agog
    A.aloof (not friendly, cool and distant)
    • excited ; intensely curious ; anxious
    • S.eager ; impatient
  25. Alacrity
    A.apathy ; disinclination ; slowness
    • liveliness ; promptness
    • S.avidity ; enthusiasm ; fervor ; zeal
  26. Alleviate
    • to make more bearable
    • S.relieve ; assuage ; mollify
  27. Altimeter
    an instrument for determining elevation
  28. Altruism
    • unselfish concern
    • S.benevolence ; magnanimity ; philanthropy
  29. Amalgamate
    • unite ; mix
    • S.compound ; fuse ; mingle

    • AmbiguousA.explicit
    • vague
    • S.equivocal ; uncertain
  30. Ambivalent
    • the coexistence of opposing feelings
    • S.equivocal
  31. Ambrosial
    A.sweet ; aromatic ; balmy ; perfumy ; spicy
    • extremely pleasing to the senses ; divine or delicious
    • adorable ; darling ; heavenly ; luscious
  32. Ameliorate
    A.worsen ; deteriorate
    • to make or become better
    • S.improve ; amend ; help
  33. Amendable
    A.independent ; autonomous
    • obedient ; complaint
    • S.responsible ; accountable ; liable
  34. Amity
    • friendship ; peaceful relationship as between nation
    • S.goodwill ; friendliness ; kindliness
  35. Amorphous
    A.definite ; distinct ; shapely
    • without definite shape
    • S.formless ; nebulous ; nondescript
  36. Anachronism
    • a person or artifact appearing after its own time or out of chronological order
    • S.misdate ; mistiming
  37. Analogous
    • comparable ; similar
    • ; akin ; corresponding ; parallel ; uniform
  38. Anathema
    • solemn curse ; someone or something regarded as a curse
    • S.malediction
  39. Animus
    • hostile feeling ; intent ; animosity
    • S.intention ; design ; purpose
  40. Annuls
    • record arranged in yearly parts ; history
    • S.chronicle
  41. Annotate
    • comment ; make note
    • S.gloss (provide an explanation ; interpretation ; paraphrase)
  42. Anomaly
    A.conformity ; normality
    • peculiar ; unique , contrary to the norm
    • S.abnormal ; deviant
  43. Antagonize
    A.agree ; aid ; help
    • to incur to dislike of
    • S.anger ; irritate ; offend
  44. Antediluvian
    • ancient ; outmoded
    • S.antique ; venerable (respected ; honored ; great ; esteemed)
  45. Anthology
    • a collection of selected writings
    • S.analects (collection of short literary) ; garland ; miscellany (a group of collection of different items) ; omnibus ( a volume containing several novels)
  46. Antipathy
    A.admiration ; love ; rapport (affinity) ; sympathy
    • strong dislike ; disgust
    • S.abhorrence ; animus ; eschewal (avoid ; abstain) ; repugnance (loathing)
  47. Antithetical
    • directly opposed or contrasted
    • S.contradictory ; counter ; polarized (cause to divide into two sharply contrasting groups)
  48. Apathetic
    A.alert ; zeal ; enthusiastic
    • lack of interest or concern, esp. in important matters
    • S.impassive ; dry ; phlegmatic ; stoic ( a person who can endure pain or hardship w/o showing their feeling)
  49. Aplomb
    • poise ; composure in difficult situations ; assurance ; self-confidence ; calmness
    • S.confidence ; self-trust
  50. Apocryphal
    A.authentic ; real ; true
    • questionable ; fake ; unbelievably true
    • S.counterfeit ; dubious
  51. Aquiline
    • curved ; hooked
    • S.beaked ; prominent
  52. Arbiter
    • one having the power to judge or decide
    • S.referee ; umpire (an official who watches a game or match closely to enforce the rules and arbitrate on matters arising from the play)
  53. Arbitrary
    • determined by chance, whim or impulse
    • S.carpricious ; erratic ; wayward (headstrong ; stubborn ; obstinate ; obdurate ; perverse)
  54. Arcane
    • esoteric ; secret
    • S.mysteriuos ; inscrutable (enigmatic) ; numinous (divine ; holy)
  55. Archaic
    • no longer current ; antiquated
    • S.bygone ; old ; outdated
  56. Ardent
    A.dispassionate ; frigid ; unenthusiastic
    • very enthusiastic
    • S.agog ; desirous ; thirsty ; zealous
  57. Ardor
    A.coolness ; indifference
    • fiery intensity of feeling
    • S.passion ; enthusiasm ; fervor
  58. Aria
    • operatic solo
    • s.descant ; hymn (religious song) ; song
  59. Arid
    • lacking in rainfall ; dry
    • S.droughty ; thirsty ; waterless
  60. Articulate
    • endowed with speech
    • S.vocal ; sonant ; spoken
  61. Artifice
    • deception ; trickery
    • S.cunning ; artfulness ; crafty ; willingness
  62. Ascetic
    A.luxurious ; voluptuous (relating to, or characterized by luxury or sensual pleasure)
    • practicing self-denial ; avoiding physical pleasures and comforts
    • S.servere ; stern ; austere ; mortified ; subdue (overcome ; bring under control)
  63. Askance
    • with a sideway or indirect look
    • S.awry ; askew (not straight) ; cockeyed (crooked)
  64. Asperity
    A.amenity = facility
    • sharpness ; roughness of temper or weather
    • S.difficulty ; hardship ; rigor(strictness ; severity ; stringency)
  65. Assertion
    A.denial ; rejection
    • a positive often unsupported declaration
    • S.affirmation ; insistence ; pronouncement
  66. Assiduous
    A.desultory (lacking of plan, occurring randomly ; superficial ; aimless)
    • attention ; diligent
    • S.diligent ; industrious
  67. Assimilation
    take in ; digest ; transform food into living tissue ; absorb ; subsume
  68. Assuage
    A.exacerbate (make worse)
    • to make less severer ; to appease or satisfy
    • S.alleviate ; lighten ; mitigate
  69. Astute
    • having or showing keen judgement ; shrewd
    • S.cagey (cautious) ; sagacious(showing keen mental discernment or good judgement) ;savvy (shrewdness)
  70. Attenuate
    • weaken
    • S.extenuate ; wiredraw
  71. Audacious
    S.bold ; fearless ; undaunted (not intimidated) ; valorous (great courage)
  72. Augury
    omen ; a sign of what will happen in the future ;.prophecy
  73. Auspicious
    A.inauspicious ; ill-omened
    • lucky ; fortunate ; good ; encouraging
    • S.favorable ; bright ; propitious
  74. Avarice
    • greediness for wealth
    • S.cupidity ; greed ; rapacity (volume)
  75. Aver
    • to declare
    • S.affirm ; declare ; protest
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