CLST module 5.txt

  1. arachn-*
    arachnoid mater; interior layer of the meninges [See Mod. 12]
  2. cerebell-
    cerebellum; posterior part of the cerebrum
  3. cerebr-
    cerebrum; largest part of the brain
  4. cortic-
    the outer layer (of an organ or biological structure) [pl. cortices]
  5. dendr-
    dendrite; threadlike extension of a neuron
  6. dur-
    dura mater; outermost layer of the meninges
  7. encephal-
    encephalon; the brain (Greek FYI)
  8. gangli-
    ganglion [pl. ganglia]; collection of nervous tissue (shorter root)
  9. ganglion-
    ganglion [pl. ganglia]; collection of nervous tissue (longer root)
  10. gli-*
    glia; supporting tissue of the brain and spinal cord [See Mod. 6]
  11. hypothalam-
  12. medull-
    marrow; medulla; inner portion of an organ or of hair [pl. medullae] (Latin FYI)
  13. mening-
    meninges; three membranes covering the spinal cord and brain (shortest root)
  14. meninge-
    meninges; three membranes covering the spinal cord and brain (2 longer roots)
  15. meningi-
    meninges; three membranes covering the spinal cord and brain (2 longer roots)
  16. myel-
    bone marrow; spinal cord (Greek FYI)
  17. neur-
    nerve; nervous system; nervous tissue (Greek root)
  18. nerv-
    nerve; nervous system; nervous tissue (Latin root)
  19. pia-
    pia mater; innermost layer of the meninges
  20. plex-
    plexus; collection of nervous tissue; a collection of blood or lymph cells
  21. poli-*
    grey matter of the nervous system [See Mod. 8]
  22. pont-
    the pons Varolii [a bridge of tissue which connects portions of the nervous system within the brain]; any bridge of tissue within a structure
  23. rhiz-
    root; nerve root (shortest root)
  24. radic-
    root; nerve root (shorter derivative of longest)
  25. radicul-
    root; nerve root (longest root)
  26. thalam-
    "thalamus [located below the cerebrum
  27. ventricul-
    ventricle; a small cavity in the brain or in the heart
  28. oneir-
  29. onomat-
    a name; a word
  30. phas-
  31. phil-
    loving; having a strong preference for
  32. phob-
    persistent and irrational fear
  33. phren-*
    mind; mental activity [See Mod. 6]
  34. psych-
    mind; mental activity
  35. ment-*
    mind; mental activity [see Mod. 2]
  36. -carcinoma
    malignant tumour of
  37. -esthesia
    sensation; sensitivity
  38. -esthetic
    pertaining to sensitivity
  39. -kinesia
    movement (2 similar terminations)
  40. -kinesis
    movement (2 similar terminations)
  41. -kinetic
    pertaining to movement
  42. -malacia
    softening of
  43. -mania
    excessive preoccupation with
  44. -maniac
    one who has an excessive preoccupation with
  45. -philia
    a love for; a liking for; an affinity for
  46. -phile
    one who has a love (or liking or affinity) for
  47. -philic
    loving (or liking or having an affinity for)
  48. -phobe
    one who has a persistent and irrational fear of
  49. -phobia
    persistent and irrational fear of
  50. -phobic
    persistently and irrationally fearing
  51. -phoria
    "state of feeling [i.e.
  52. -oma
    tumour of; swelling of; an abnormal mass (shorter root)
  53. -omata [pl.]
    tumour of; swelling of; an abnormal mass (the plural)
  54. -oncus
    tumour of; swelling of; an abnormal mass (longer root)
  55. -plegia
    paralysis of
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CLST module 5.txt
CLST Module 12