CHAD 164

  1. What factors influence the decision for having children?
    • Economic factors
    • structural factors
    • psychosocial factors
  2. When is parenthood usually transitioned?
    When a couple learns that they are pregnant.
  3. What is not a reaction to pregnancy?
    • A) negative reactions
    • B) neutral reactions
    • C) positive reactions
  4. Is the first child more stressful than the later children?
  5. What does ART stand for?
    Assisted reproductive technology
  6. What is assisted reproductive technology?
    When parents can't have babies, they turn to alternatives
  7. What are examples of ART?
    • artificial insemination
    • fertility drugs
    • in vitro fertilization
  8. Who in society can have assisted reproductive technology?
    People in higher economical social status
  9. What is a public adoption?

    A) private organization
  10. What is a closed adoption?

    B) the file is close, neither child or parent has access to information concerning about the maternal mother
  11. What is a closed adoption?

    C) The file is closed, neither child or parent has access to information to the maternal parent
  12. What is an open adoption?

    D) Both parent and child have access to information
  13. What is an semi-open adoption?

    A) birth parent and adopted child don't get together, there is infomation exchanged
  14. What is an international adoption?

    C) the adopted child is a different ethnicity than the parent
  15. What is the most common reason for placement of children into foster care?

    A) parent is abusive
  16. What is the authoritarian style of parenting appropriate?
    When you are in dangerous situations
  17. What type of parenting style ends up happening when their is a divorce

    • A) permissive
    • (also happens when you know your child has a limited amount of time to live, or when you were raised authoritarian)
  18. What is the most critical stage in a person's developmental potential?
    the first 280 days!
  19. In the critical 280 days, which days are the most important for developement?
    the first 90 days
  20. What is not a characteristic of the 9 months of pregnancy?

    B) mothers rapid development in secondary traits
  21. What is the microsystem?

    A) when the child interacts with family, peers, school or neighborhood
  22. What is the mesosystem?

    B) relationships between the microsystem and all other systems that affect the person
  23. What is the exosystem?

    D) does not have active role in the context of a certain system, but is still influencing
  24. What is the macrosystem?

    B) culture context
  25. What is the microsystem?

    B) the biggest one!
  26. What is an example of the chronosystem
    When a child is scared because of abuse. the chronosystem last for a long time, it's not affected by time or current situation
  27. What is the macrosystem?
    Since I'm chinese, I'll be shy.
  28. Give me an example of the exosystem?
    government agencies, community programs and employment setting. When the work hours change to longer hours, it will effect the child because the work situation has changed.
  29. Give me an example of the mesosystem?
    If a parent has an addiction to substance abuse, it effects the child's interactions and relationships within the family setting and influence interactions in the child's school.
  30. Give me an example of the microsystem
    When a child interacts with his or her parent.
  31. What factos influence the course of pregnancy? (mark all right)
    a) mother's age
    b) mother's nutrition
    c) size of the fetus
    d) father's genetic disorders
    e) mother's exercise
    f) father's bond with wife
    g) mother's prenatal medical supervision
    • a) mother's age
    • b) mother's nutrition
    • e) mother's exercise
    • g) mother's prenatal medical supervision
  32. What happens when a mother drinks alcohol?

    B) a and b
  33. what is a c-section?
    When they slash the mother's stomach to get the baby
  34. prenatal care reduces the likelihood of what?
    Low birth weight and prematurity of infants
  35. What is not a diagnostic tool?

    C) heart monitor
  36. What are some risk in a caesarean delivery?

    G) a and c
  37. What is a doula?
    A doula is a person that provides emotional and phsyical support. It is also believed to have shorter and better coupe when in labor
  38. Can stress effect the development of children?
  39. What are the critical factorsthat can affect the development of children before birth?
    • enviornmental factos
    • age of mother
    • maternal nutrition
    • exposure to drugs
  40. What is not an aspect of the quest for identity?

    D) children become more vocal
  41. How do children become like friends?

    C) all of the above
  42. Is parental behavior guided by trial and error learning?
  43. What indicates from our reading that there is good parenting?

    C) all of the above
  44. Who is the first teacher in a child's life?
    The parent!
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CHAD 164
chad 164