1. Define Conflict Resolution
    Firstly, I will define conflict as where two or more people believe their values are incompatible, whether real or imaginary. Conflict Resolution is where you maintain control by avoiding the unnecessary use of force, this can be done by using all your communication skills learnt and applying them to a conflict situation.
  2. Define Assertiveness
    Assertiveness can be defined as getting what you want by helping others to get what they want by using non threatening techniques to present our views and our rights clearly and without blame to other people. This can be achieved by establishing a bottom line, ignoring insults and offering options.
  3. Define Rapport
    Rapport is the building of a positive relationship between yourself and the other person. Rapport is the development of trust, understanding, respect and liking between two persons. Id the person trusts you they are more likely to share information with you.
  4. Define Active Listening
    Understanding the content and the context of the message. Understanding that the message is not relayed by words alone but other factors determine the full message being transmitted. Active listeners look further into the message than just words.
  5. Define Body Language
    The non verbal communication through sending and receiving wordless (mostly visual) messages between people. Messages can be communicated through kinesics or body movements which include eye contact, facial expressions, gesture & posture. When non verbal signals match up with the words youre saying they increase trust, clarity and rapprt. When they don't they generate tension, mistrust and confusion.
  6. Define Paralanguage
    The way in which the message is said, used to modify meaning and convey emotion using volume, pitch, tone and quality. These four variances reflect the demeanour and makes inferences on how we feel about the conversation.
  7. Define Intrapersonal Communication
    The communication with yourself. Where a person includes their biases and perceptions into a conversation. That is your self awareness (how you see yourself) and involves beliefs, attitudes and values.
  8. Define Empathy
    Putting yourself in another persons shoes, seeing the world from their perspective and trying to understand how they feel. This can be done by acknowledging their distress and feeling s and communication this back to them.
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