Le Navigateur

  1. la paroi
    rock face
  2. anfractuosite
  3. la hampe
    • a) pole
    • b) shaft
    • c) flank
  4. caler
    braced (against something)
  5. une saillie
    a) projection, protruberance, ledge
  6. sourde
    • a) deaf
    • b) dull, muffled
    • c) secret, clandestine
    • d) voiceless
  7. atteler13
    to harness, to yoke
  8. s' atteler
    to apply oneself to
  9. lisse13
    smooth, sleek
  10. une dalle13
    • a) paving stone, flagstone
    • b) slab (of stone or concrete)
  11. la caisse13
    • a) box, crate
    • b) case, casing, body (of a vehicle)
    • c) fund raising...
    • d) drum ("caisse claire" = snare drum)
  12. solonnel 13
    • a) solemn
    • b) formal
  13. la stele13
    • nf.
    • stele, upright pillar with an inscription or design (used as a monument or marker)
  14. la brume7
    mist, haze
  15. nacrer7
  16. guetter7
    to watch intently
  17. le cerf7
    stag, red deer
  18. brouter7
    to graze on, to nibble on
  19. marecageuse7
    marshy, swampy
  20. clapotis7
    lapping (of the waves)
  21. effaroucher7
    to frighten, to scare away, to alarm
  22. affoler7
  23. la coque7
    • a) hull (of a boat)
    • b) cockle
    • c) shell (of a nut)
    • d) bow, loop, curl (of hair)
  24. acajou7
  25. ecumer7
    frothy, foamy
  26. le timonier7
  27. la rayure7
    • a) stripe
    • b) "eraflure" scratch
  28. charnu(e)7
    fleshy, plump
  29. fournie7
    • a) thick, bushy
    • b) "bien-fourni" = well stocked
  30. une toge7
    • a) gown, robe
    • b) toga
  31. Murex7
    Murex is a genus of medium to large sized predatory tropical sea snails.
  32. souple8
    • a) supple, flexible
    • b) smooth, flowing
  33. le large8,9
    the open sea
  34. le voilier8,9
  35. le matelot8,9
    sailor, sea man
  36. essuyer8,9
    • a) to wipe, dry
    • b) to suffer, endure
  37. le greement8,9
  38. soigneux (-gneuse)
    • a) careful, meticulous
    • b) neat, tidy
  39. soigner
    • a) carefully done, meticulouse
    • b) well groomed, neat
  40. soyeux (euse)
  41. roux
    • a) russet, red
    • b) read-head
  42. vergue9,10
    yard (of a ship)
  43. affaler9,10
    to collapse, to fall, to slump
  44. devaler9,10
    to hurtle down
  45. lutter
    • a) to fight
    • b) to contend
    • c) to struggle
    • d) to wrestle
  46. saillante
    • a) prominent, projecting
    • b) salient, notable
  47. les moeurs
    • a) manners, morals
    • b) customs, habits
    • c) behaviour (zoology)
  48. peigner
    to comb
  49. arborer
    • a) to wear, to sport
    • b) to bear, to display
  50. une chaloupe
    • a) launch
    • b) rowboat
  51. envahissant
    • a) intrusive, invasive
    • b) pervasive
  52. tanguer
    to pitch, to toss about
  53. un bollard
    A bollard is a short vertical post. Originally it meant a post used on a ship or a quay, principally for mooring.
  54. les drisses
    In sailing, a halyard or halliard is a line (rope) that is used to hoist a sail, a flag or a yard.
  55. une bastingage
    a bulwark
  56. demarche
    • a) gait walk
    • b) step, action
    • c) approach, thought process
  57. beantes
  58. les elaireurs
  59. une passerelle
    a) footbridge
  60. garer
  61. accueillir
  62. le lasso
    the period
  63. gauchos
  64. demeurer
    to remain, to abide
  65. fosette
  66. bord
    edge, margin
  67. baroudeur
  68. charpent
Card Set
Le Navigateur
french vocabulary March 2012