
  1. transference
    object relations
  2. countertransference
    object relations
  3. holding environment
    object relations
  4. Derivatives
    object relations
  5. resistance
    object relations
  6. individuation
    object relations
  7. introjection
    object relations
  8. linking
    object relations
  9. projection
    object relations
  10. projective identification
    object relations
  11. recapitulation
    object relations
  12. splitting
    object relations
  13. unconscious
    object relations
  14. unresolved issues
    object relations
  15. active listening
  16. genuiness and congruence
  17. empathic understanding
  18. unconditional positive regard
  19. nondirective
  20. here and now
  21. dichotomy
  22. unfinished business
  23. paradoxical theory of change
  24. contact and contact boundaries
  25. I/Thou
  26. figure/ground
  27. self-realization
    humanistic/experiential, Gestalt
  28. therapists don't take expert position
  29. relaxation training
    behavioral: classical conditioning
  30. counterconditioning
    behavioral: classical conditioning
  31. systematic desensitization
    behavioral: classical conditioning
  32. aversive conditioning
    behavioral: classical conditioning
  33. flooding
    behavioral: classical conditioning
  34. positive reinforcement (what kind?)
    behavioral: operant conditioning
  35. negative reinforcement
    behavioral: operant conditioning
  36. shaping
    behavioral: operant conditioning
  37. extinction
    behavioral: operant conditioning
  38. punishment
    behavioral: operant conditioning
  39. time out
    behavioral: operant conditioning
  40. response cost
    behavioral: operant conditioning
  41. token economies
    behavioral: operant conditioning
  42. biofeedback & neurofeedback
    behavioral: operant conditioning
  43. classical conditioning
    pairs unconditioned stimulus with conditioned stimulus to create a conditioned response: Aero and the can opener
  44. operant conditioning
    a type of learning in which a subject chooses to modify a behavior in order to receive a reward or avoid a punishment
  45. cognitive triad
    beliefs formed in early childhood about self, the world, the future
  46. schemas or core beliefs
  47. systematic bias
  48. automatic thoughts
  49. underlying assumptions
  50. thought tracking
  51. self-monitoring
  52. Socratic method (define)
    CBT: therapist asks questions to encourage client to question, test, or challenger their own thoughts and beliefs
  53. thought stopping
  54. cognitive restructuring (define)
    CBT: the process of becoming aware of automatic thoughts, underlying assumptions & core beliefs, recognizing the relationship between thoughts & feelings; challenge the validity of maladaptive thoughts; create more balanced, reality-based thoughts
  55. automatic thought record
  56. diversion techniques
  57. charting (what stage)
    CBT: early stage
  58. activity scheduling
  59. role playing
  60. cognitive distortions
  61. selective abstraction (define)
    CBT: taking a detail out of context and dwelling on it
  62. arbitrary inference (define)
    CBT: jumping to a conclusion w/o evidence
  63. overgeneralization
  64. polarized thinking
  65. catastrophizing
  66. disqualifying the positive
  67. labeling (define)
    CBT: describing an event with emotionally laden language
  68. emotional reasoning (define)
    CBT: assuming one's own negative emotion reflects the way things really are
  69. personalization (define)
    CBT: taking responsibility for negative events you are not responsible for
  70. homeostasis
    family systems (general)
  71. negative feedback (define)
    family systems (general): communication that invokes resistance; hence negative = no change
  72. positive feedback (define)
    family systems (general): encourages change
  73. wholeness
    family systems (general)
  74. equifinality (define)
    family systems (general): the ability of complex systems to achieve the same results in different ways
  75. first order change (define)
    family systems (general): changes in Sx or Bx that leave the system unchanged
  76. second order change (define)
    family systems (general): change that alters a system's structure and functioning
  77. triangles (define)
    Bowen; family systems (general): dyads diffuse anxiety by recruiting a third party
  78. boundaries (define; types)
    family systems (general): emotional rules that regulate contact between family members, subsystems, and family and world

    types: rigid, diffuse, flexible
  79. subsystems (name)
    family systems (general): marital (the couple as a couple), parental (couple as parents), executive (couple as family executives), sibling
  80. rules and roles (define x2)
    family systems (general): rules and values about communication and behavior that determine how effectively/ineffectively individual needs are met. Also, implicit expectations of roles family members must adopt.
  81. all behavior is communication
    family systems (general), esp. strategic/communications
  82. circular questioning (define)
    family systems (general), esp strategic/communications (MRI): questions that frame the presenting problem as relational, involving family members in discussing ideas and reactions to the problem
  83. enmeshed v disengaged (define)
    family systems (general): diffuse boundaries v rigid boundaries
  84. fusion v cutoff (define)
    family systems (general): individual sacrifices needs to whatever the family demands
  85. symptoms are communication
    strategic/communications (MRI)
  86. directives
    strategic/communications (MRI)
  87. resolve the presenting problem
    strategic/communications (MRI)
  88. complementary relationships (define)
    strategic/communications (MRI): members are different in ways that fit together
  89. symmetrical relationships (define)
    strategic/communications (MRI): based on equality and similarity
  90. positive connotation (define)
    strategic/communications (MRI): reframe the Sx so it's understood as communication
  91. Satir
  92. family life chronology (stage)
    humanistic/experiential: early
  93. family sculpture
  94. therapeutic parts party (define)
    humanistic/experiential: clients personify various parts of themselves through imagery and conversation betweent he parts
  95. communication stances (name 5)
    humanistic/experiential: placater, blamer, super reasonable person/computer, distractor, leveler
  96. joining
  97. hierarchy
  98. alliances
    subgroups based on generation, gender, etc.
  99. coalitions
    two or more family members align against another family member
  100. accommodation (define)
    structural: notice and adjust to family's communication style and body language
  101. mimesis (define)
    structural: track family's style and use it
  102. enactment
  103. spontaneous behavior sequence
    structural: family spontaneously demonstrates its structure
  104. tracking
  105. family mapping
    structural: after tracking, the therapist diagrams family dynamics
  106. restructuring (stage)
    structural: middle
  107. reenactment (stage)
    structural: middle
  108. affective intensity
  109. shaping competence (define)
    structural: emphasize positive, functional dynamics
  110. boundary making
  111. stroke and a kick
  112. unbalancing (define)
    structural: alternately supporting one family member or subsystem over another in order to realign family structure
  113. differentiation
    Bowen/multigenerational/extended family systems
  114. fusion v emotional cutoff
    Bowen/multigenerational/extended family systems
  115. pseudo-self v solid self
    Bowen/multigenerational/extended family systems
  116. emotional reactivity
    Bowen/multigenerational/extended family systems
  117. non-anxious presence
    Bowen/multigenerational/extended family systems
  118. family projection process (define)
    Bowen/multigenerational/extended family systems: process by which parental conflict/pressure is projected onto children, creating triangles
  119. nuclear family emotional system
    Bowen/multigenerational/extended family systems
  120. multigenerational transmission process
    Bowen/multigenerational/extended family systems
  121. undifferentiated family ego mass (define)
    Bowen/multigenerational/extended family systems: highly undifferentiated families
  122. genogram
    Bowen/multigenerational/extended family systems
  123. 3 rules of solution-focused therapy
    • 1. If it ain't broke, don't fix it.
    • 2. If it's working, do more of it.
    • 3. If it's not working, do something else.
  124. postmodern therapies
    solution focused, narrative
  125. solution not necessarily related to the problem
    postmodern: solution focused, narrative
  126. client resources (define)
    solution focused: clients has the ability to solve their own problems
  127. snowball effect
    solution focused
  128. expert stance v not knowing stance
    solution focused, narrative: modernist therapists are experts; post modernists presumes nothing, takes nothing for granted
  129. formula first session task (define)
    solution focused: at the end of the first session, the therapist assigns the client to notice what's working in their lives and what they want to retain.
  130. solution talk
    solution focused
  131. compliments/cheerleader
    solution focused
  132. "What's different or better?"
    solution focused
  133. goal-setting questions (example)
    solution focused: "How will you know when you don't need therapy anymore?"
  134. exception questions (examples)
    solution focused, narrative: When is the problem not a problem? Was there ever a time when you were without the problem?
  135. scaling questions
    solution focused
  136. coping questions (example)
    solution focused: Given all the things going on in your life, how is it that you're coping so well?
  137. miracle question (define)
    solution focused: imagine a miracle happens while you're sleeping and when you wake up the problem is gone. How would you know?
  138. relationship questions (example)
    solution focused: Who in your life has faith that you'll solve the problem? What would they notice about you if the problem was gone?
  139. problem-saturated story
  140. deconstruction
  141. externalizing (example)
    narrative: How long has Depression run your life?
  142. "The client isn't the problem; the problem is the problem."
  143. separate the person from the problem
  144. reauthoring
  145. local knowledge (define)
    narrative: the therapist's own experience
  146. unique outcomes
  147. sparking moments
  148. invitations (define)
    narrative: invitations the problem makes to the client that are seductive even though accepting them is problematic
  149. mapping the influence or effects of the problem
  150. community of concern
  151. problem fighters
  152. letter writing
  153. preference questions
  154. deconstruction questions
  155. preference questions
  156. meaning questions
  157. interviewing the client as the problem (define)
    narrative: client pretends to be the problem and therapist interviews it
  158. interviewing the internalized other (define)
    narrative: one family member pretences fo be another family member and therapist interviews them
  159. representational play
    play therapy
  160. guided fantasy
    play therapy
  161. art therapy
    play therapy
  162. faith
    play therapy
  163. Tarasoff does not apply to a client who is suicidal or is a threat to property (but evidence code 1024 may allow reporting)
    Bellah v Greenson
  164. For Tarasoff to apply, the intended victim must be identifiable and the peril must be foreseeable.
    Thompson v Alameda
  165. A therapist who fails to carry out a Tarasoff duty to warn is liable for harm to any reasonably foreseeable bystanders.
    Hedlund v Superior Court of Orange County
  166. When making a Tarasoff warning, the therapist may break confidentiality to include statements made by the client that the therapist believes are necessary to convey the seriousness of the threat to the intended victim.
    Menendez v Superior Court
  167. A communication of a serious threat of physical violence against a reasonably identifiable victim need NOT come directly from the client, but may be communicated by a family member or a credible third party
    Ewing v Goldstein
  168. Framo
  169. Sager
  170. Klein
    object relations
  171. Perls
  172. Carl Rogers
    person centered
  173. Frankl
  174. Yalom
  175. Ellis
  176. Beck
  177. Mechenbaum
  178. White
  179. Epston
  180. DeShazer & Berg
    solution focused
  181. Minuchin
  182. Haley
  183. Bowen
    multigenerational/extended family systems
  184. Satir
  185. Whitaker
  186. borderline intellectual functioning
    IQ of 71-85
  187. mild mental retardation
  188. moderate retardation
  189. severe mental retardation
  190. profound mental retardation
    below 20/25
  191. GAF absent or minimal symptoms
  192. GAF transient symptoms
  193. GAF mild symptoms
  194. GAF moderate symptoms
  195. GAF serious symptoms
  196. GAF some impairment in reality testing
  197. GAF psychosis
  198. guided discovery
  199. alogia
    poverty of speech
  200. avolition
    inability to plan and organize
  201. hyperacusis
    painful sensitivity to sounds
  202. percipient witness
    "fact witness"--only the facts
  203. solid self
  204. hierarchy
  205. feelings
  206. positioning strategy
  207. conversion disorder
    unintentional loss or alteration in physical functioning
  208. factitious disorder
    intentionally produces Sx without external incentives (i.e., to assume the sick role)
  209. somatization disorder
    history of many physical complaints, including at least 1 sexual symptom, over a period of several years
  210. alogia
    poverty of speech
  211. aphasia
    impairment in understanding language (any form)
  212. depersonalization
    a sense of detachment from the environment, a sense of being an observer of one's own mental processes or body, as if in a dream.
  213. derealization
    an alteration in the perception of the external world so that it feels strange unreal
  214. immediate memory
    10 to 30 seconds ago
  215. short-term memory
    up to 1.5 hours ago
  216. recent memory
    2 hours to 4 days ago
  217. disidentification
    existential: discarding identification with body, thoughts & feelings in order to connect with the authentic Self
  218. family map: modality and purpose
    structural: diagram family interactions
  219. 5150
    therapist may initiate if client is danger to self or others or is gravely disabled; if invoked, client is hospitalized involuntarily for up to 72 hours
  220. 5250
    If hospitalized client is still a danger to self or others or gravely disabled, involuntary hospitalization can be extended another 14 days.
  221. 5300
    If after the 14-day hold has expired the client is still a danger to self or others or gravely disabled, 5300 allows another 180-day hold
  222. empathic attunement
    self psychology
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