
  1. What are the minimum staffing guidelines for each battalion?
    City Minimum (Suppression and Rescue)

    • Battalion 1 46
    • Battalion 2 36
    • Battalion 3 39
    • Battalion 4 39
    • Alarm Room 5 (NOT INCLUDEDIN TOTAL)
  2. Overtime will be paid to the nearest what?
    To the nearest tenth (4-6 minutes) (SOG Staffing)
  3. Members who are not in quarters after what time are carried as AWOL for the remainder of the shift?
    2 hours (SOG Staffing)
  4. what are the actions for tardiness and AWOL violations in any 12-month period
    • 1st Letter Of Instruction
    • awol 3-Day Suspension

    • 2nd Cautionary Advisement
    • awol 10-Day Suspension

    • 3rd Written Reprimand
    • awol 60-Day Suspensionor Dismissal

    • 4th 3-Day Suspension
    • 5th 10-Day Suspension
    • 6th 60-Day Suspensionor Dismissal
  5. Is it correct to say the battalion commanders are responsible for ensuring FLSA reports are submitted and accurate for all the firefighters under their command?
  6. How many days should FLSA reports be submitted and to whom?
    The signed FLSAreports and P-30’s are due in the Fiscal Office at Fire Department Headquarters six (6)days after the end of the FLSA period. Failure to turn in an FLSA report and / or P-30’smay be cause for disciplinary action.
  7. Is it correct to say firefighters retuning after 4 or more consecutive 24 hour shifts of sick leave must submit to human resources a release from their personal physician.
    Correct (SOG Staffing)
  8. Is it correct to say 30 days notice must be given for FMLA or at least a verbal notice within 2 business days of learning of the needed leave?
    Correct (SOG Staffing)
  9. Is it correct to say the CAO may deny the FMLA request until 30 days after notification?
    Correct (SOG Staffing)
  10. What are 4 instances FMLA can be taken?
    • 1. Birth of a child
    • 2. Adoption of a child
    • 3. Serious illness to immediate family
    • 4. Serious illness to employee
  11. In how many days will the department director notify the employee of the FMLA approval or disapproval?
    The department director will notify the employee within two (2) workdays, iffeasible, of the approval/disapproval of their FMLA request.
  12. What are the FMLA restrictions if both mother and father work for the city? Is this the same for domestic partners?
    Their FMLA leave is combined for the original total of 12 weeks in a 12 month period. This is the same for domestic partners.
  13. Do employees on unpaid FMLA receive credit for PERA?
    No, the employee does not receive credit because the city does not pay PERA for unpaid status. (SOG Staffing)
  14. How often do employees need to check in while on FMLA? If extended leave is needed who does the employee contact?
    The employee must report to their employees, by phone, every 4 weeks. If the employee needs extended time, the request must be made to the deputy chief of human resources or the designee. (SOG Staffing)
  15. How are the 16 allotted vacation slots divided among rank?
    • (SOG Staffing)
    • · Commanders: 1
    • · Captains: 1
    • · Lieutenants: 3
    • · Drivers: 4
    • · Firefighters: 7
  16. How many vacation requests do the rescue division and suppression division receive?
    4 for the rescue division and 5 for the suppression division for both the 1st and 2nd bids. (SOG Staffing)
  17. Vacation bids will be submitted to the battalion commanders by when? When will the bids be awarded?
    All requests for the first vacation period bidding will beturned in to each respective Battalion Commander by March 15 and awarded by March31.
  18. 2nd Vacation bids will be submitted to the battalion commanders by when? When will the bids be awarded?
    Submitted by April 15th and awarded by April 30
  19. What are the restrictions on putting in for unscheduled vacation?
    The employee can only put in for 48 continuous hours at one time. Unscheduled vacation request may not be submitted more than 90 days in advanced
  20. How many hours are employees granted for PTO? What is the exception?
    They are granted 12 hours from their vacation banks only in a 12 month calendar year. The exception if an employee is on the sick leave restriction. (SOG Staffing)
  21. How many days prior to the bids is the specialty list posted?
    15 days prior to bids
  22. how many consecutive sifts result in resignation
    3 consecutive
  23. What are the overtime call times
    • 14:00 the day before for 24
    • 10:00 for a night shift
  24. What is the max accural for comp time
    480 hours regardless of division
  25. What are the eligibility requirments
    worked with COA 12 months and 1250 hours in the 12 months preceding the FMLA
  26. What is the minimum measurment of time for intermitant leave
    One hour
  27. What is the minimum Percent for sick leave abuse in a roling calander year
  28. what are the hours, percentage of step 1
    • 67%-83.99%
    • 96.48-120.95 hours
  29. What are the hours, percentage of step 2
    • 84%-99.99%
    • 120.96-143.99 hours
  30. what are the hours, percentage and step 3
    • 100%-up
    • 144 hours-up
  31. how many days to appeal a decision made by the sick leave review board?
    10 calender days
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