SOG 2.txt

  1. Who can approve disaprove request for outside employement?
    The Fire chief
  2. can a probationary FF request outside employment?
    Yes but have a written reccomondation from the director of the training division.
  3. Can office staffing levels fall below 3 employees due to scheduled vacation?
    Staffing shall not go below 3. (General Office)
  4. Is it correct to say on occasional trading within your own schedule must be approved with your immediate supervisor?
    Yes (General Office)
  5. Who is responsible for checking radios ensuring their function, documentation, and turning logs into the battalion commander on the 5th of every month?
    The driver
  6. Are uniform caps the same for chiefs, commanders, and captains? Describe them.
    They are white leatherette with a black visor with a ½ inch gold strap. The chief and the deputies have gold bullions on the visor.

    • LT have silver
    • ALL other black
  7. Is the uniform cap mandatory when wearing class “A” uniforms?
    Class “A” mandatory/Modified is optional (Uniforms)
  8. Describe the uniform dress coat.
    It is described as: 16 oz, dark blue serge, double breasted with three buttons. (Uniforms)
  9. Describe the colors of the fatigue cap for all ranks.
    • · White cap with red brim: chief, deputies, and commanders
    • · Blue cap with red brim: captains and lieutenants
    • · Blue cap with blue brim: drivers and firefighters
  10. Can fatigue caps have the members name embroidered in the back?
    Yes in ¼ inch block lettering
  11. What is the knot used with the class “A” uniform? Do women have another option? Are tiebacks and pins permitted?
    The knot used is the four in hand knot. Women have an option of a black cross over tie. Approved tiebacks and pins are permitted. (Uniforms)
  12. Is the grooming policy grounds for grievance?
  13. When are written request for haircut exceptions submitted to the chief for approval?
    Must renew every January
  14. According to the CIP division, define urgent emergency repairs and non-urgent emergency repairs.
    • Urgent emergency repairs: heating, cooling, plumbing, electrical, apparatus doors, smell of gas, and roof leaks.
    • Non-urgent emergency repairs: all other repairs
  15. When are RMS reports required to be completed?
    At the end of the 48 hour cycle without exceptions. (RMS)
  16. Who is responsible for insuring there are rockers for all positions on the apparatus? Who is to be contacted if replacements are needed?
    The company officer is responsible. Contact the OPS office if replacements are needed. (Relief of Duty)
  17. Who elects the sick leave management review board?
    • · 2 selected by the chief
    • · 2 selected by the union
    • · 1 selected by the four (at large)
    • · The 5 will select a chair of the 5
  18. What four sick leave codes are exempt from the employee’s sick leave percentages? Is falsifying these statuses subject to disciplinary action?
    • · SKFM: sick leave FMLA
    • · SKE: sick leave emergency
    • · SKI: sick leave injury
    • · SKH: sick leave hospitalization
  19. What three instances a doctor’s note is required with the employee’s P-30 sick leave documentation?
    • Sick leave management plan
    • SKP for 3 consecutive shifts
    • holidays special days
  20. The fire department requires all personnel to obtain a class E license and a COP prior to achieving what rank?
    Prior to achieving the rank of firefighter 1st class (COP Directive)
  21. How long is a COP valid? Is the expiration date the same as the license expiration date?
    A COP is good for 4 years and now does not expire on the same date as the driver’s license. (COP Directive)
  22. What classes are needed to obtain a COP?
    A defensive driving course or CEVO class (COP Directive)
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SOG 2.txt