irreversibly inhibits the deiodinase enzyme
- Levothyroxine
- T4-L-thyroxine
Soft gel capsules new technology avoids heating during manufacturing, improved stability and reliable dosing
- Thyrolar-1
- A 4:1 ratio of T4:T3 dose form
Armour Thyroid
A ratio of 4:1 of T4:T3 desicated pig thyroid
Lugol's solution
5% iodide and 10% potssium iodide
Thyroshield KI
- OTC 5% iodide and 10% potassium iodide
- Oral solution approved by the FDA for radiological terrist attack use
- Indication: adjunctive therapy in hyperthyroid patients taking an anti thyroid drug
- thyroid block in the case of radiation emergency
Propylthriouracil (PTu)
- #1 pharmaceutical agent responsible for liver transplantation
- Indication hyperthyroidism, preparation for throidectomy or radioiodine therapy or patients in which surgery is contraindicated
- MOA: inhibits iodide uptake and hormone biosynthetic iodination and T4 deiodination enzyme 5'-deiodinase
- Preferred for thyroid storm
- Drug of choice in pregnancy because it was thought it did not cross the placenta as readily as methimazole
- Methimazole
- Indication: hyperthyroidism, preparation for thyroidectomy or radioiodine therapy or patients in which surgery is contraindicated
- MOA: inhibits iodide uptake and hormone biosynthetic iodination and T4 deiodination enzyme 5'deiodinase
- Far less hepatotoxicity
- Indications: Hyperthyroidism and cases of select thyroid cancer
- Ablating the thyroids tissue with radiation
- Radioactive Na131I
- Contraindicated in pregnancy and preexisting N/V
- May take up to 2 months for effects to become apparent due to significant resrvoir
- Avoid any idodide containing product since it wil decrease effectiveness of this agent
- Uricosuric agents are anionic at physiological pH---weak acids
- INdications: prolongation of beta-lactam plasma concentrations, gout, gouty arthritis, hyperuricemia
- MOA: uricosuric activity, prevents the renal proximal tubular reabsoprtion of uric acid, penicillins and cephalosporins---prevents renal tubular excretion
- Prolonged effect of Tamiflu in flu pandemic
- Not to be used in acute gout attacks
- Sulfinpyrazone
- Uricosuric agent
- Indication: gout and gouty arthritis, antiplatelet agent
- MOA: prevents renal tubular reabsorption of uric acid, also a COX inhibitor (basis for its use as an anto-platelet agent) inhibits prostaglandins decreased inflammatory effect
Inhibits CYP3a4
- Isolated from flowering plant seeds and corm of the lily family
- Indications: Uniquie anti-inflammatory agent taht is largely effective only in gout, can be used to relieve pain of an acute attack or prophylactically, also some unlalbeled uses multiple schlerosis, cirrhosis and others
- MOA: decrease granulocyte phagocytosis and prevents leukocyte migration and lactate production, decreases inflammatory response to deposited crystals and antimmitotic agent prevents spindle formationMultiple efflux pumps can lead to drug resistance
- Allopurinol
- INdications: management of gout, management of patients with malignancies, calcium oxalate calculi
- MOA: inhibits xanthine oxidase which is reponsible for the synthesis of urate from xanthine and hypoxanthine
- Alloxanthine is the active drug that contributes to MOA
- Febuxostat
- Indications: management of gout
- MOA: more selective inhibitor of xanthine oxidase which is responsible for th synthesis of urate from xanthine and hypoxanthine
- Pegloticase
- INjection for intravenous infusion
- Recombinate DNA technology agent- a uric acid specific enzyme that has been covalently chemically modified with PEG
- Indications: adult patients refractory to conventional therapies
- Albuterol
- Short acting agent
- Beta2 activity
- PO 30 mins onset
- Inhalation 5 mins onset
- Racemic mixture the other enatiomer contributes to the beta1 acitivty
- Levoalbuterol
- Solution for inhalation
- One enatiomer, have much less beta1 activity then the racemic mixture
- Terbutaline
- Short acting beta2 selectivity
- SC onset 5 to15 mins
- Main difference is the onset of action
- PO 30 mins onset,inhalation onset 5 to 30 mins
- Pirbutrol
- Short acting beta2 selectivity
- Inhalation use only onset 5 mins
- Autohaler aerosol
- Bitolterol Mesylate
- Short acting beta2 selectivity
- Inhalation use only onset 2 to 4 mins
- Metaproterenol Sulfate
- Short acting beta2 selectivity
- PO onset 30 mins
- Inhalation onset 5 to 30 mins
- Weakest beta2 potency
- Tablets, syrup, solution for inhalation, aerosol
- Isopropterenol Sulfate
- Short acting beta1=beta2
- IV onset is immediate duration less than an hour
- Inhalation onset 2 to 5 minutes
- Most potent beta2 agonist available
- Epinephrine
- Short acting agent
- No selectivity alpha=beta1=beta2
- INhalation onset 1 to 5 minutes
- SC onset 5 to 10 minutes
D-- Ephedrine
- Short acting agent
- No selectivity alpha=beta1=beta2
- PO onset 15 to 60 mins
- IV onset immediate
- SC onet greater than 20 mins
- IM onset 10 to 20 mins
- Natural product, other diasteromer is sudafed
- Salmeterol
- Long acting agent
- BBW life threatening asthma related death is a possible with all long acting agonist
- Inhalation powder
- Beta2 selectivity 20 mins onset not used as a rescue inhaler
Advair discus
- Salmeterol and corticosteroid fluticasone
- Long acting agent
- Inhalation powder
- Budesonide and formoterol
- Long acting agent
- BBW life threatening asthma related death is possible
Performist, Foradil Aerolizer
- Formoterol
- Nebulizer
- 4 diasteromers treat as 4 different drugs
- Also an inhibitor of mast cell mediators such as histamine and leukotrienes