
  1. Starch digestion begins in the______when______is secreted by the salivary glands
    Mouth, salivary amylase
  2. Intestinal enzymes are also called_______enzymes
    brush border enzymes
  3. A non-enzymes substance that emulsifies fats is_______
  4. Fats are broken down into ____and ____.
    fatty acids and glycerol
  5. Trypsin and aminopeptidase digest _________.
  6. An example of a disaccharide____
  7. Amylase activity in the small intestine will result in the production of ____
  8. Enzymes that function most efficiently at a pH7, include______,_______,and _______
    salivary amylase, lipase and brush border enzymes
  9. Hormone secreted by the stomach that increases the secretion of pepsinogen & histamine____.
  10. Enzymes subjected to extremes in temperature or pH experience_____.
  11. Secreted by the stomach, this enzyme which prefers a pH of 2, begins protein digestion____.
  12. Enzyme that hyrolyzes fats (lipids) ______
  13. Maltase activity in the small intestine will result in the production of two molecules of ______
  14. Hormones released by the small intestine that increase the production and release of bile ______ and __________.
    cholecystokinin and secretin
  15. secreted in an inactive form, and later activated by HCL____.
  16. Emphysema would cause (change in blood pH)
    decrease pH respiratory acidosis
  17. bomiting would cause________? (change in blood pH)
    increase pH, metabolic alkalosis
  18. Sources of H+
    lactic acid, lipid and protein metabolizm, CO2
  19. Excessive exercise would cause? change in blood pH
    decrease pH and metabolic acidosis
  20. Hyperventilation could cause?
    increase pH and respiratory alkalosis
  21. How would we compensate for respiratory acidosis? restore pH to normal
    • increase secretion of H+
    • increase reabsorption of HCO3
    • decrease reabsorption of H+
    • decrease secretion of HCO3
  22. How would we compensate for metabolic acidosis? restore pH to normal
    • increase secretion H
    • increase reabsorption of HCO3
    • increase ventilation
  23. How would we compensate for metabolic alkalosis(restore pH to norman)
    • decrease sectetion H
    • decrease reabsorption of HCo3
    • decrease ventilation
  24. Predict the JGA response: increased systemic blood pressure
    • constrict afferent arteriole to
    • decrease GFR to normal
  25. Predict the JGA response: decreased flow rate and/or decreased filtrate solute concentration at distal tubule.
    • dilate afferent arteriole to
    • increase GFR
  26. Decreased ADH secretion would cause:
    • increase urine volumn
    • urine concentration
  27. cells placed in a hypertonic solution will
  28. Increased ALD secretin would cause_______urine volume
    decrease urine volume
  29. Predict the JGA response: increased flow rate and/or increased filtrate solute concentration at distal tuble.
    constrict afferent arteriole to dectease to normal
  30. increasing of decreasing which hormone would cause increased urine concentration
    increase ADH
  31. Increasing or decreasing which hormone would cause increased reabsorption of water?
    increase ADH
  32. The driving force for reabsorption is
    Na+ gradient produced by Na+/K pump
  33. ANP release would cause ____reabsorption of Na+______urine volume
    increase, increase
  34. ADH is released in response to (name stimuli)
    • dehydration
    • increase plasma osmolaity
    • decrease plasma volume
  35. Predict the effect on urine specific gravity: Drinking excess fluids
    decrease specific gravity
  36. Predict the effect on urine specific gravity: Diabetes insipidus
    decrease specific gravity
  37. Predict the effect on urine specific gravity: dehydration
    increase specific gravity
  38. Name the urine condition & cause, RBC's in urine
    • hematuria
    • bleeding UTI
  39. Name two adaptations of the glomerulus that enhance its function
    high blood pressure (arteriole in & out) high permeability "leaky"
  40. Name the urine condition & cause Albumin in urine
    • albuminuria
    • pregnancy glomerular nepritis
  41. Name the urine condition & cause,
    ketonuria and starvation/ diabetes mellitus
  42. ACE catalyzes the reaction: AngiotensinI
  43. Explain the importance of urea
    helps increase of medulla-allows reabsorption of H2O to concent
  44. Name the urine condition and cause
    glycosuria, diabetes mellitus
  45. Predict the effect on urine pH: Starvation
    decrease pH
  46. Predict the effect on urine pH: vegetarian diet
    increase pH
  47. An increase in the tubule Na+ or K+ stimulates the release of
    ALD, K+ or decrease + in plasma
  48. Predict the effect on urine specific gravity: diabetes mellitus
    increase sG
  49. Renin is released in the name stimuli
    • decrease blood NA+
    • decrease blood volume/pressure
  50. Predict the effect on urine Ph: protein rich diet
    decreaseglycosuria and diabetes mellitus
  51. The diriving force for reabsorption is
    Na+ gradient produced by na"/k+ pump
  52. The driving force for filtration is
    blood (hydrostatic)pressure
Card Set
urinary, fluids acid base digestive review