Cases, basics.txt

    • author "me"
    • fileName "Cases, basics"
    • tags ""
    • description ""
    • Nominative
    • Used primarily for subject of a sentence, also for subject compliment
  1. Genitive
    Commonly used to indicate possession, ie the poet's, generally translated as 'of'
  2. Dative
    Used for indirect objectsnof a verb, generally translated as 'to' or 'for'
  3. Accusative
    • Used for the direct object or a verb,
    • Als used w certain preps:
    • Ad - to, towards
    • In - into
    • Post - behind, after
  4. Ablative
    • Sometimes called adverbial or prepositional case, a catch-all case which covers a wide range of uses such as means, agent, accompaniment, manner, place, time.
    • doesnt always have a preposition
    • Used w certain preps:
    • Ab - by, from
    • Cum - with
    • De - from
    • E, ex - from
    • In - in, on
Card Set
Cases, basics.txt
wheelocks, basics of cases