- author "me"
- tags ""
- description ""
- fileName "Wheelocks chapter 4"
- freezingBlueDBID -1.0
- To be, parsed
- Sum, esse
- Sum - i am
- Es - you are
- Est - he/she is, there is
- Sumus - we are
- Estis - you pl are
- Sunt - they are, there are
Plan, purpose, counsel, advice, judgement, wisdom
Consilium, consilii, n.
Care, attention, caution, anxiety
Cura, curae, f.
Gift, present
Donum, doni, n.
Destruction, ruin
Exitium, exitii, n.
Schoolmaster, schoolmistress
Magister, magistri, m. Or magistra, magistrae, f.
Duty, service
Offium, officii, n.
Peace, leisure
Otium, otii, n.
Damger, risk
Periculum, periculi, n.
Cure, remedy
Remedium, remedii, n.
Pretty, handsome, charming, adj
Bellus, bella, bellum
Good, kind, adj
Bonus, bona, bonum
Pertaining to men, human; humane, kind; refined, cultivated, adj
Humanus, humana, humanum
Bad, wicked, evil
Malus, mala, malum
Little, small, adj
Parvus, parva, parvum
Foolish, adj
Stultus, stulta, stultum
A fool
Stultus, stulti, m.
true, real, prope
Verus, vera, verum
To aid, help, assist; to please
Iuvo, iuvare, iuvi, iutum
To be, exist
Sum, esse, fui, futurum
Unfortunate, adj
Infortunatus, a, um
Happy, fortunate, adj
Beatus, beata, beatum
Noster, nostra, nostrum
Worthy, deserving, adj
Dignus, a, um
Amicitia, ae, f.
Rare, adj
Rarus, rara, rarum