Wheelocks chapter 4.txt

    • author "me"
    • tags ""
    • description ""
    • fileName "Wheelocks chapter 4"
    • freezingBlueDBID -1.0
    • To be, parsed
    • Sum, esse
    • Sum - i am
    • Es - you are
    • Est - he/she is, there is
    • Sumus - we are
    • Estis - you pl are
    • Sunt - they are, there are
  1. Kiss
    Basium, basii, n.
  2. War
    Bellum, belli, n.
  3. Plan, purpose, counsel, advice, judgement, wisdom
    Consilium, consilii, n.
  4. Care, attention, caution, anxiety
    Cura, curae, f.
  5. Gift, present
    Donum, doni, n.
  6. Destruction, ruin
    Exitium, exitii, n.
  7. Schoolmaster, schoolmistress
    Magister, magistri, m. Or magistra, magistrae, f.
  8. Delay
    Mora, morae, f.
  9. Nothing
  10. Eye
    Oculus, oculi, m.
  11. Duty, service
    Offium, officii, n.
  12. Peace, leisure
    Otium, otii, n.
  13. Damger, risk
    Periculum, periculi, n.
  14. Cure, remedy
    Remedium, remedii, n.
  15. Pretty, handsome, charming, adj
    Bellus, bella, bellum
  16. Good, kind, adj
    Bonus, bona, bonum
  17. Pertaining to men, human; humane, kind; refined, cultivated, adj
    Humanus, humana, humanum
  18. Bad, wicked, evil
    Malus, mala, malum
  19. Little, small, adj
    Parvus, parva, parvum
  20. Foolish, adj
    Stultus, stulta, stultum
  21. A fool
    Stultus, stulti, m.
  22. true, real, prope
    Verus, vera, verum
  23. To aid, help, assist; to please
    Iuvo, iuvare, iuvi, iutum
  24. To be, exist
    Sum, esse, fui, futurum
  25. Unfortunate, adj
    Infortunatus, a, um
  26. Happy, fortunate, adj
    Beatus, beata, beatum
  27. More than
    Magis quam
  28. Our
    Noster, nostra, nostrum
  29. Worthy, deserving, adj
    Dignus, a, um
  30. Friendship
    Amicitia, ae, f.
  31. Rare, adj
    Rarus, rara, rarum
  32. We are able
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Wheelocks chapter 4.txt
wheelocks chapter 4