Wellness Coaching Chapter 3

  1. What is the Transtheoretical Model of Behavior Change?
    The five stages of change model, developed by Dr. Prochaska, provide coaches with an understanding of how and when behaviors can be altered and why clients may struggle, fail, or quit.
  2. Name the five stages of the TMBC
    • Precontemplation (Not ready for change)
    • Contemplation (Thinking about change)
    • Perception (Preparing for action)
    • Action (Taking action)
    • Maintenance (Mantaining a good behavior)
  3. Name ten skills to use for people in precontemplation...
    • Listening
    • Empaty
    • Acceptance
    • Inquiry
    • Reflection
    • Affirmation
    • Reframing
    • Sharing
    • Brainstorming (Sorting barriors for 'I can't' people)
    • MI (AI for 'I can't' people)
  4. Name thirteen skills to use for people in contemplation
    • Listening
    • Empathy
    • Acceptance
    • Inquiry
    • Reflection
    • Affirmation
    • Reframing
    • Sharing
    • Brainstorming
    • AI
    • MI
    • Self efficacy and Self esteem
  5. Name twelve skills to use for people in preparation
    • Listening
    • Empathy
    • Inquiry
    • Reflection
    • Affirmation
    • AI
    • Brainstorming
    • Experimenting
    • Committing
    • Honoring
    • Testing
    • Scheduling
  6. Name nine skills to use for people in action
    • Listening
    • Inquiry
    • Reflection
    • Affirmation
    • Inspiration
    • Normalizing
    • Calibrating
    • Reengineering
    • Environmental design
  7. Name eight skills to use for people in Maintence
    • Listening
    • Inquiry
    • Reflection
    • Affirmation
    • Inspiration
    • Modeling Improvisation
    • Creativity
    • Intrinsic rewards
  8. Name five cognitive processes in the process of change
    • Getting information
    • Being moved emotionally
    • Considering how your behavior affects others
    • Selfi-image
    • Social norms
  9. Name five behavioral processes in the process of change
    • Making a commitment
    • Using cues
    • Using substitution
    • Social support
    • Rewards
  10. Name three Decisional Balance questions people can ask when thinking about changing a behavior
    • Why do I want to try and change the behavior? (pros)
    • Why shouldn't I try to change the behavior? (cons)
    • What would it take for me to change the behavior? What's my strategy to overcome my cons?)
  11. Define: Operant Conditioning
    Learning through positive and negative reinforcement, it is a form of learning that takes place when an instace of spontaneous behavior is either reinforced or discourage by its consequences
  12. Mount Lasting Change: Vision Level
    What are the Five building blocks?
    • Self-awareness and responsibility
    • Strengths
    • Values
    • Benefits and information
    • Challenges and strategies
  13. Mount Lasting Change: Preparation Level
    What are the four building blocks?
    • Confidence
    • Commitment
    • Support
    • Plan
  14. Mount Lasting Change: Action Level
    What are the three building blocks?
    • Behavioral steps
    • Problem solving
    • Rewards
  15. Mount Lasting Change: Results Level
    What are the two building blocks?
    • Lasting Change
    • Relapse prevention
  16. Mount Lasting Change: The Real Me =?
    Best Self
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Wellness Coaching Chapter 3
Coaching Psychology Manual Chapter 3