pass along advice and information or set standards to help subordinates improve their work skills. Subordinates must be advised on how to do their jobs better and be coached to better performance.
Coaching problems are usually caused by:
lack of ability, insufficient information or understanding, or incompetence on the part of subordinates. In some cases the accuracy of the information passed along by managers is important, as the subordinate must clearly understand what the problem is and how to overcome it.
Coaching applies to:
ability problems, and the manager's approach is, "I can help you do this better."
help subordinates recognize and address problems stemming from their states of mind, emotions, or personalities.
An important goal of counseling is to:
help a subordinate recognize a problem exists and to identify ways in which that problem might be addressed.
Counseling applies to:
attitude problems, and the manager's approach is "I can help you recognize that a problem exists."
The skills of both Coaching and Counseling apply to:
a broad array of activities motivating others, handling customer complaints, passing critical or negative information upward, handling conflicts between other parties, and negotiating for a certain position.