1. "Yes, I understand what you said."
  2. Conveys an attitude of rectption and regard.
  3. "Hello, Jr. J I notice that you made a ceramic ash tray in OT."
    Giving Recognition
  4. Acknowledging; indicating awareness, better than complimenting.
    Giving Recognition
  5. "Ill stay with you awhile"

    What type of therapeutic Communication Technique?
    Offering Self
  6. What type of therapeutic Communication Technique?

    "Tell me what you are thinking"
    Giving Broad Openings
  7. "Yes, I see", "Go On"

    What type of therapeutic Communication Technique?
    Offering General Leads
  8. "What seemed to lead up to..."?

    What type of therapeutic Communication Technique?
    Placing the Event in Time or Sequence
  9. "You seem tense"

    What type of therapeutic Communication Technique?
    Making Observations
  10. Offers the client encouragement to continue.
    Offering General Leads
  11. "What would you like to talk about today?

    What type of therapeutic Communication Technique?
    Giving Broad Openings
  12. "I see you made your bed"

    What type of therapeutic Communication Technique?
    Giving Recognition
  13. "Are you hearing the voice again?"

    What type of therapeutic Communication Technique?
    Encouraging Description of Perceptions
  14. Asking the client to verbalize what is being perceived.
    Encouraging Description of Perceptions
  15. " This point seems worth looking at more closely. Perhaps you and I can discuss it together".

    What type of therapeutic Communication Technique?
  16. "Please explain that situation in more detail".

    What type of therapeutic Communication Technique?
  17. Questions and feelings are referred back to the client so that they may be recognized and accepted, and so that the client may recognize that his or her point of view has value.
  18. "There is no one else in the room but you and me".

    What type of therapeutic Communication Technique?
    Presenting Reality
  19. "Im not sure that I understand. Would you please explain?"

    What type of therapeutic Communication Technique?
    Seeking Clarification and Validation
  20. "I find that hard to believe"
    "That seems rather doubtful to me"

    What type of therapeutic Communication Technique?
    Voicing Doubt
  21. Client: It's a waste of time to be here. I can't talk to you or anyone."
    Nurse: Are you feeling no one understands?
    Client: Mute
    What type of therapeutic Communication Technique?
    Nurse: It must have been very difficult for you when your husband died in the fire?
    Verbalizing the Implied
  22. "What could you do to let young anger out harmlessly?"

    What type of therapeutic Communication Technique?
    Formulating a Plan Of Action
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