1. What is the full chemical name of LSD?
  2. In what decade did LSD first become popular?
  3. Why did the use of LSD decline after its initial popularity?
    • fear of "bad trips"
    • cost
  4. Put the following drugs in order from highest to lowest relative hallucinogenic activity: DMT, DET, 5-MeODMT , Psilocin
    • 5-MeODMT
    • Psilocin
    • DMT
    • DET
  5. List three perceptual changes associated with LSD use.
  6. The predominant acute adverse reaction to the hallucinogens is____________________.
  7. List two other physiological effects of the hallucinogens.
    • vivid visual hallucinogens
    • distortions of images and movement
  8. Sympathomimetic effects of LSD are enduced within_____________minutes
  9. CNS effects are enduced within______________minutes
  10. How soon does tolerance to LSD develop?
    2-3 days
  11. T/F
    There is no clinical withdrawal syndrome associated with LSD use.
  12. Who “discovered” LSD, and in what year?
    1943 Hoffman
  13. In what year was LSD synthesized?
  14. What was one of the first uses of LSD?
    study of mental illness
  15. What is the average effective oral dose of LSD?
    0.025mg or 25 micrograms
  16. Name four forms in which LSD is sold.
  17. How is LSD synthesized?
    Certain species of rye and other grains produce the ergot fungus. An alkaline hydrolysis of the ergot fungus produces lysergic acid, which is the immediate precursor to LSD.
  18. T/F
    The chemical structures of LSD and lysergic acid contain an indole nucleus.
  19. Which color test is used to screen for the presence of LSD and other hallucinogens?
  20. LSD will fluoresce under________________light.
  21. What is the best method for identifying LSD and the other hallucinogens?
  22. Name the four stereoisomers of LSD.
  23. Which isomer is the only one to have a high degree of physiological activity?
    d isomer
  24. What schedule is LSD?
    Scedule I
  25. T/F
    All isomers of LSD are controlled.
  26. What is the molecular ion of LSD?
  27. What schedule is lysergic acid amide?
    Schedule III
  28. Where can lysergic acid amide be found?
    in morning glory seeds and Hawaiian Wood Rose seeds
  29. Where and under what conditions do hallucinogenic mushrooms grow?
    humid conditions on cow crap
  30. List two physical properties of hallucinogenic mushrooms.
    the way it looks
  31. T/F
    Bufotenine is a regioisomer of psilocin.
  32. How does ibogaine effect the body?
    help individuals remain motionless for long periods while remaining metally alert
  33. How are tryptamines usually abused?
    by smoking
  34. What is the nickname given to the effects of the tryptamines?Why?
    • they have a 45-60 min trip
    • called the "bu
Card Set
test 3