A good brand name should..
- Suggestive of Benefits
- Simple - Easy to Remember
- Distinct
- Extendable
- Translates easily into other languages
- Legally Defensible
Brand Development chart
- Product Category
- existing New
- brand existing: line extension brand extension
- name new: multibrands new brand
Brand Design Schematic
visual elements
- picturing
- symbolizing
- animating
brand design schematics
verbal elements
brand schematics
visceral elements
brand schematics
- visual elements
- verbal elements
- visceral elements
Marketing services
intangibility, variability, inseparability perishability
sercives cannot be seen, tasted, felt heard or smelled before purchase
quality of services depends on who provides them and when, where and how. due to inseprability
services cannot be separated from their providers. varability people vs things
services cannot be stored for later sale or use. how does one even out demand.
new product development process
idea generation, idea screening, concept deveopment and testing, market strategy development, business analysis, product development, test marketing, commercialization
brainstorming techniques
- defer judgement (no buts)
- encourage wild ideas
- build on ideas (only ands)
- be visual
- stay focused on the topic
- one conversation at a time
product adoption curve
risk takers/innovators(2.5), opinion leaders/early adopters(13.5), deliberte adopters/early majority(34), skeptical/late majority(34), tradtion bound/laggards(16)
Product life cycle strategies
- market modifying
- Product modifying
- marketing mix modifying
market modifying
finding new uses, and new markets for your product
product modifying
creating new products with your brand
marketing mix modifying
changing one of the 4ps
Gross Margin
Revenue (net sales)-VC(COGS)
Unit Gross Margin
Gross margin as a percent of net sales
Gross Margin as a percent of VC (COGS)
Break even
Break even (in Units)= fixed costs/per unit GM
pricing process
- determine your pricing objective
- estimate demand
- estimate costs
- analyze competitors prices
- select a final price
calculating elasticity
% change Q/% change P
(Q2-Q1/q1) /(P2-P1)/P1
pricing strategies
- product line pricing (basketball shoes)
- optional product pricing (computers)
- captive product pricing (movie theaters)
- by-product pricing
- poduct bundle pricing (value meals)
Illegal Pricing strategies
- Predatory pricing
- Price Maintenance
- price fixing
- 1st degree price discrimination
Competitive analysis
- identifying the companys competitors
- assesing competitors SWOT
- Selecting which competitors to attack
How to identify competitors - industry
point of view that looks at the specific products or services a company produces
How to identify competitors - market
point of view that looks at customer groups that the company services
Share of Wallet/share of stomach diagram
- Form competition - diet sodas
- category competition - carbonated beverages
- generic competition - all beverages
- budget competition - all food/drink
How to assess competitors
- what are their objectives?
- how do you match up against them (plan + 4P's, Swot)
- What are their weaknesses? SWOT
- What is their current strategy? Annual plan + 4Ps
competitive myopia
- tunnel vision
- worrying about product enhancements instead of the problem the product solve
- drill bit=hole
Competitive Sweet Spot
In the competitvie environment: Maximizes customer's needs with company's capabilities while avoiding competitors offerings
Customer Driven Marketing process
- Basis for segmentation
- Basis for Segmentation
- Develop Profils
- measure attractiveness
- Choose taget
- choose position aka differentiate
Ways to segment
- Geographic (Most Used)
- Demographic
- Psychographic: lifestyle, pesonality, attitudes, values
- Behavioral: usage situations, benefits (Most Useful)
Segmentation Criteria
- Differntiable
- substantial
- identifiable and measurable
- accesible
- responsive
segments must behave differently
segments must be large enough to warrant special marketing mix, profit potential?
Membes of target segments must reachable with marketing mix (4P's)
unless segment responds to a marketing mix differently, no spearate treatment is needed
Person by usage occasion segmentation
- Usage situation top
- person: age, gender, income lifestyle side
- Depends on the 4c's
- profitabilty potential
- market size
- anticipate market growth
- current and anticipated competition
- consumer behavior and expectations
how the product is view by consumers on important attributes relative to the competition.. not how it's viewed by you.
the actions a marketer takes to influence a products position
positioning tactics
- How you are just as good as the competition MOST USED
- how you beat all the competition
- How you are loved by popular people
- how you fit consumers lifestyles
- how you deliver what is most valued MOST USEFUL
- stand for something
- stand for something that's different
- stand for something that's different that's important
Unique Selling Proposition USP
Perceptual map
- Horizontal: conservative to sporty
- Vertical : classy distinctive to practical affordable with dots in boxes
anything that can be offered in a market for attention, acquisition, use, or consumption that might satisfy a want of a need
Represent what buying the product or service will do for the customer
Levels of Customer care
- Core customer care (center)
- Actual Product: brand name, quality level, packaging, design, features (second ring)
- Augmented Product: Delivery and credit, product support, warranty, after sale service
Steps in product decisions
- product attributes
- branding
- packaging
- labeling
- product support and services
Roles of the package
- functional
- protect and informstrategic
- influence choicereinforce brand
- differentiate
- advertise
A brand is NOT your brand symbols. Your brand is a PERCEPTION that exists in the MINDS of your of your CONUMERS about your RELEVANCE and promise of VALUE. your brand is the SUM total of impressions formed through exposure to you TOUCHPOINTS.
Brand Pyramid
- Top
- personality
- value of user
- emotional benefits
- functional benefits
- attributes
- increase in level = increast in brand loyality
- top three are toughes but most important