What is another word for an unsegmented flatworm?
What is a hermaphrodite?
both male and female parts
The first intermediate host of all the digenetic flukes is always a _____.
Where are tremadotes found?
near water
What is typically the second intermediate host?
fish, amphibian, anything that lives near water
How are tremadotes diagnosed?
large operculated ova seen with centrifugal sedimentation
What are the different trematodes?
- Fasciola hepatica
- Paragonimus kellicotti
- Alaria
- Nanophyetus salmincola
What are the large animal flukes?
- Fascoila hepatica
- Fascioloides magna
Fasciola hepatica is a common _____ fluke.
What is the intermediate host of Fasciola hepatica?
semi-aquatic snail
Describe the life cycle of Fasciola hepatica.
- immature form leaves snail and encysts on water plants
- ingested by definitive host
- excysts (hatches)
- migrates thru intestinal wall of definitive host
- goes to the liver
- goes to the bile duct
How long does Fasciola hepatica migrate to the liver before maturing in the bile duct?
6 - 8 weeks
What can Fasciola hepatica cause?
severe liver damage, may see clostridial disease
What is bottle jaw?
edema due to hypoproteinemia
What is albumin?
main protein in plasma
How are humans infected with Fasciola hepatica?
What pathogenesis does Fasciola cause in cattle?
bottle jaw
What is the treatment for Fasciola hepataica?
How do we control Fasicola hepatica?
- molluscicides (kill snails) with copper sulfate
- keep stock off marshy lands
Dogs and cats get Paragonimus kellicotti from ingesting _____.
the intermediate host or transport host
What is the pathogenesis of Paragonimus kellicotti?
- 1st intermediate host is the snail
- 2nd intermediate host is a crawfish
- Definitive host are wild animals, dogs, and cats
Paragonimus kelliotti is a _____ fluke.
What can paragonimus cause?
chronic lung disease
How do you diagnosis Paragonimus kellicotti?
large gold operculated egg in sputum using sugar flotation or cent. sedimentation
What is the treatment for Paragonimus kellicotti?
Alaria is an _____ fluke.
What animals are affected by Alaria?
dogs and cats
When do Alaria become pathogenic?
when large numbers exist
Describe the life cycle of Alaria.
- snail is the first intermediate host
- amphibian (tadpoles) are the second intermediate host
- mice, rats, snakes, and birds may serve as a transport (paratenic) host
- the adults infects in small intestines and the immature flukes infect the lungs
How do you diagnose Alaria?
large operculated eggs in feces from cent. sedimentation
What is the treatment for Alaria?
Nanophyetus salmincola is _____ fluke.
salmon poisoning
What can the Nanophyetus salmincola fluke do?
produce mild enteritis
What does Nanphyetus salmincola cause?
gastroenteritis and death
What does Nanophyetus salmincola mimic?
What is the first intermediate host of Nanophyetus salmincola?
What is the second intermediate host for Nanophyetus salmincola?
How do dogs get Nanophyetus salmincola?
from ingesting raw trout and salmon
How do you diagnose Nanophyetus salmincola?
they are large operculated eggs
What is this?
Life cycle of Digenetic Flukes
- operculated egg hatches
- penetrates snail and loses cilia
- becomes a sporocyst - asexual reproduction
- redia
- cercaria
- leaves snail and swims around to find either 2nd IH or encysts on vegetation
- metacercariae eaten by DH
- adult
What is this?
adult trematode
What is this?
trematode ova
What is this?
trematode ova
What type of trematode is this?
Fasciola hepatica
Life cycle of Fasciola hepatica
What type of trematode is this?
Paragonimus kellicotti
What type of ova is this?
Paragonimus kellicotti ova
Life Cycle of Paragonimus kellicotti
What type of trematode is this?
What type of trematode is this?
Nanophyetus salmincola
Life cycle of Nanophyetus salmincola
What type of ova is this?
Nanophyetus salmincola