1. Unit Two is in Mode 2 with reactor pressure at 50 psig and all IRMs Operable and on Range 8, except for IRM G. which is failed (inop trip) and bypassed. IRM Channel C High Voltage Power Supply output fails downscale. Which of the following describes the automatic protective function(s) that occur(s) due to this failure?

    A. A rod block, but no 1/2 scram wilt be generated. The rod block can be cleared by bypassing IRM Channel C.
    B. A rod block and a 1/2 scram will be generated. The rod block and 1/2 scram signal can be cleared by bypassing IRM Channel C.
    C. A rod block, but no 1/2 scram will be generated. The rod block cannot be cleared since IRM Channels C and G cannot both be bypassed.
    D. A rod block and a 1/2 scram will be generated. The rod block and 1/2 scram signal cannot be cleared since IRM Channels C and G cannot both be bypassed.
    D. A rod block and a 1/2 scram will be generated. The rod block and 1/2 scram signal cannot be cleared since IRM Channels C and G cannot both be bypassed.

    High voltage low generates an Inop trip in IRM C. The Inop trip results in both a rod block and a 1/2 scram on RPS A. Since IRM G is also a Div II IRM and is already bypassed, the rod block and 1/2 scram signals cannot be cleared. Only one Div I (orDiv II) IRM can be bypassed at one time.
  2. Unit 1 is at 100% power. Flow indicated at APRM 4 ODA is 100% with both inputs equal. Describe the effect on the Power Range Neutron Monitoring System APRM and OPRM trip functions if one of the recirc flow inputs to APRM 4 fails to zero. APRM 4 will provide an APRM Upscale/lnop trip at the input of:

    A. each voter, OPRM trip function is enabled for all OPRMs.
    B. voter 4 only, OPRM trip function is enabled for all OPRMs.
    C. each voter, OPRM trip function is enabled for OPRM 4 only.
    D. voter 4 only, OPRM trip function is enabled for OPRM 4 only.
    C. each voter, OPRM trip function is enabled for OPRM 4 only.

    APRM channel 4 flow signal is reduced to half of the previous value. RPS STP trip set points for APRM 4 are below the current power level causing an upscale trip signal. Flow in the APRM 4 will be below 60%, OPRM 4 is enabled. NO INOP trip occurs if the recirc flow input fails - just the STP trips are reduced because the value used in the equation for flow is reduced to one-half of the previous value.
  3. Startup following refueling is scheduled. The following SRM readings are recorded during performance of PT·50.2:

    Counts Fully Counts Fully
    Inserted Withdrawn
    SRMA 6.0 CPS 2.0 CPS
    SRMB 8.0 CPS 3.0 CPS
    SRMC 4.0 CPS 1.0 CPS
    SRMD 2.0 CPS 0.5 CPS

    How many SRMs meet acceptance criteria of PT-50.2?

    A. 1.
    B. 2.
    C. 3.
    D. 4.
    B. 2.

    SRM D does not meet acceptance criteria due to fully inserted count rate too low < 3, and SRM B does not meet acceptance criteria due to low “signal to noise” ratio < 2.
  4. A reactor startup is in progress following a mid cycle forced outage in accordance with 0GP-02, Approach to Criticality and Pressurization of the Reactor.

    The operator notes the following SRM readings:

    SRM Channel A 6.0 x 105 cps
    SRM Channel B 1.0 x 105 cps
    SRM Channel C 7.0 x 104 cps
    SRM Channel D 8.0 x 104 cps

    All IRMs are on Range 4.
    Which one of the following alarms will occur?

    A. ROD OUT BLOCK Alarm only
    B. SRM UPSCALE / INOP Alarm only

    SRM Upscale alarm setpoint is 2.0 x 105 cps. An SRM Upscale alarm with any IRM below range 8 will also cause a Rod Out Block. With shorting links installed, the SRM RPS function is bypassed. No scram or half scram can occur.
  5. Unit One is commencing a startup with all SRM's fully inserted and reading approximately 1 x 105 cps. The IRM's are reading the following:

    IRM A 20 on Range 1 IRM E 21 on Range 1
    IRM B 28 on Range 1 IRM F 19 on Range 1
    IRM C 21 on Range 2 IRM G 23 on Range 2
    IRM D 25 on Range 1 IRM H 20 on Range 1

    The operator takes the range switch for IRM B from Range 1 to Range 3.

    Which one of the following identifies the status of the IRM B downscale white light at
    P601 and also identifies the annunciator alarm(s) status for this condition?

    A. White light illuminated;
    ROD OUT BLOCK alarm only.

    B. White light illuminated;

    C. White light extinguished;
    ROD OUT BLOCK alarm only.

    D. White light extinguished;
    • A. White light illuminated;
    • ROD OUT BLOCK alarm only.

    • Taking the range switch from Range 1 to Range 3 will cause the IRM reading to drop by a factor of ten.
    • IRM "B" will be reading 2.8 which will cause the IRM downscale light to illuminate (setpoint of 3.5 cps). A
    • ROD OUT BLOCK will be generated from any downscale IRM not on Range 1.
  6. TIP traces are in progress with all TIP drawer Mode Switches in Auto.
    A small steam leak in containment causes drywell pressure to rise to 2.7 psig.

    Which one of the following predicts the final TIP ball valve position indication(s) and also identifies all available location(s) for verifying their position?

    A. Red light indication illuminated on the Back Panel P607 ONLY.
    B. White Valve Light illuminated on each TIP drawer at Back Panel P607 ONLY.
    C. Red light indication illuminated on both the P601 Panel and the Back Panel P607.
    D. Green light indication illuminated on the P601 Panel and a white Valve Light illuminated on each TIP drawer at Back Panel P607.
    D. Green light indication illuminated on the P601 Panel and a white Valve Light illuminated on each TIP drawer at Back Panel P607.

    • If drywell pressure reaches the PCIS Gp 2 isolation setpoint of 1.7 psig, TIP logic will initiate an automatic
    • probe retract to the in-shield position and the TIP ball valves will auto close. Indication of TIP ball valve position can be found on the P601 panel in the control room and the TIP back panel P607. The back panel indication white light is illuminated if the ball valve is closed (there is one on each drawer). The P601 indication is red if any one of the 4 ball valves is open, and green if all 4 of the ball valves are closed.
  7. Unit Two is operating at 100% rated power.

    Which one of the following plant transients will cause the APRM ODA displays to
    automatically shift to the stability screen?

    A. FW-V120, FW Htrs 4 & 5 Byp Vlv, is inadvertantly opened
    B. Control Rod drifting into the core
    C. "A" Recirculation Pump Trip
    D. Inadvertant HPCI injection
    C. "A" Recirculation Pump Trip

    • The stability screen will be automatically displayed on the ODA for both APRMs when either APRM enters the power-flow map region where instability can occur as defined by the OPRM trip enabled setpoint. (reactor power greater than or equal to 25% and recirc. flow less than or equal to 60%)
    • The student must know what causes the APRM ODA to shift to the STABILITY screen. If they do not, any of the given transients is a plausible selection.
  8. Unit 2 is at 100% power when an RO trainee performing JPMs, mistakenly places APRM 4 in SLO mode. The following conditions exist:

    Rx power 100.4%
    Recirc Flow 100.5%

    Which of the following is correct?

    A. Rod block only
    B. ½ scram RPS B due to Voter #4 trip output to RPS
    C. Full Rx scram – All voters trip output to RPS
    D. Alarm only, neither Rod Block nor RPS actuation
    A. Rod block only
  9. Unit 1 is at 50% power following a refueling outage when APRM #3 detects a critical self-test fault. Which of the following indications on Voter 1 are correct?

    The ______________ LED light for APRM #3 is lit on ____________.

    A. Blue, all Voters
    B. Red, all Voters
    C. Green, Voter #3 only
    D. Red and Blue, Voter #3 only
    C. Green, Voter #3 only

    – A condition on a single APRM affects only the respective OPRM.
    • b. 16 operable OPRMs (at least two LPRMs); OPRM 3 is inop.
    • 19 operable LPRMs (at least 3 As, 3 Bs, and 3 Cs)

    • – APRM operability is a minimum of 17 operable LPRMs with 3 per level.
    • – OPRM operability is a minimum of 18 cells with at least two operable LPRMs per level.
  10. Unit Two (2) is conducting a reactor startup. Using 0GP-03 Attachment 1, “Verification of Reactor Power Using Alternate Indications,” the reactor operator has collected the following data?

    APRMs 18% Power
    Bypass Valve 22% Equivalent Power
    Steam Flow 21% Equivalent Power
    LPRM 22% Power
    Heat Balance 15% Power

    Based on the above data what is the recommendation regarding the power ascension?

    A. continue without APRM adjustments.
    B. continue only if APRMs are adjusted to at least 21% power.
    C. continue only if APRMs are adjusted to at least 22% power.
    D. not continue, contact Reactor Engineering to account for dirrerences in agreement.
    B. continue only if APRMs are adjusted to at least 21% power.
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