Micro Lab II - Sheet1 (1).csv

  1. Catalase Test
    During aerobic respiration microorganism produce hydrogen peroxide and in some cases an extremely toxic superoxide. Organisms capable of producing catalase rapidly degrade hydrogen peroxide. 2H2O2 ----catalase---> 2H2O + O2. This tests by adding H2O2 and to look for the pressence of O2 ( bubbles forming).
  2. Catalase
    Enzyme used to breakdown Hydrogen peroxide into water and free O2. 
  3. Bacterial results catalase
    Alcaligues facealis G- (+). Psuedomonas aerugose G- (+). Staphylococcus aureus G+ (+). Enterococcus faecalis G+ (-).
  4. Oxidase Test
    Tests to see if the final electron acceptor is O2 and cytrochomes. Uses the reagent p-Aminodimethylaniline oxalate and will turn a purple color for a positive result. The reagent will be used as an artificial substrate donating electrons and thereby becoming oxidized in the presence of the oxidase adn free oxygen. Shows the pressence of oxidase activity.
  5. Cytochrome oxidase
    Catalyzes the oxidation of reduced cytochrome by molecular oxygen resulting in the formation of H2O or H2O2.
  6. Oxidase test used to differentiate
    "Differentiation among meembers of the genera Neisseria and Pseudomonas
  7. Bacterial results oxidase
    Pseudomonas aeuogonsa G- (+). Stapylococcus G+ (-). Enterococcus facillis G+ (-). Escherisha coli G- (-). Alcaligues facealis G- (-).
  8. p-Aminodimethylaniline oxidase
    Used as the final electron acceptor for the oxidase test. Will turn a purple color in the presence of cytochrome oxidase production.
  9. Enterobacteriaceae
    All gram negative bacilli capable of fermenting glucose with the production of acid.Will be catalase positive but oxidase negative. Are normally highly motile because of peritrichous flagella.
  10. TSI test
    Triple sugar iron agar test. Slant contains lactose and sucrose in 1% adn glucose (dextrose) in a centration of 0.1% . Has an acid base indicator of phenol red that will change the medium color red to yellow indicating the presence of acid.THE SLAB IS INOCULATED BY THE STAB METHOD.
  11. TSI slant results only glucose fermentation results
    "Alkaline slant (red) and acid butt (yellow) with or without gas production (breaks in agar butt). The organisms preferentially degrade glucose first. Since this substrate is present in minimal concentration
  12. Results TSI (A/Ag)
    Acid over acid gas. Meaning that the slant will be streaked with a yellow discoloration (top layer). Then the layer underneath will be yellow due to acid production from fermentation and will have air pockets (bubbles) signifying gas was made. ORGANISMS: E.COLI. ENTEROBACTER AEROGENES. KLEBSIELLA PNEUMONIAE.
  13. Results TSI (A/AH2S)
    Will have acid on the slant will yellow discoloration. The lower part will have a yellow color with a dark black bottom signifying that it can use H2S.ORGANIMS: CITROBACTER FREUNDII. PROTEUS VOLAGARIS
  14. Results TSI (K/A)
    Alkaline or acid. The top slant will be a red/pink color. Inside the tube will be yellow. This yellow in the inside means that the organism can only use glucose and not sucrose or lactose. . SHIGELLA FLEXNERI.
  15. Resluts TSI (K/AH2S)
    Alkaline or acid and H2S. The top will be a red pink color where the bottom will be a slight yellow and have a black discoloration . meaning that it can only use glucose and can use H2S. SLMONELLA TYPHIMURIUM
  16. Results TSI (K/N)
    Alkaline over no change. Will be light pink on top and the same red color on the bottom. Happens when the organism is both oxidase positive and catalase positive meaning it can not do fermentation. PSEUDOMONAS AERUGINOSA. Not part of he enterobacteriaceae family
  17. Hydrogen Sulfide Test Mechanism
    "There are two major fermentation pathways by which some microorganisms are able to produce hydrogen sulfide. (H2S). 1. The reduction (hydrogentation) of organic sulfur present in the amino acid cysteine. This is a component of the peptones in the medium. These peptones are degraded by a enzyme called DESULFURASE and an sulfur atom is lost and reduced by hydrogen. 2. The reduction of inorganic sulftates such as the thiosulfates
  18. SIM tube
    Is the tube in which a Hydrogen sulfide test is conducted. Contains peptones and sodium thiosulftate as the substrate ferrous sulfate (FeSO4) which will behave as teh H2S indicator. This will combine with the gas produced by forming an insoluble black ferrous sulfide preciptate that is seen along the line of the stab production.
  19. Motility in the SIM tube (hydrosulfide tube).
    Motility is recognized when the culture growth is not restricted to the line of inoculation. A motile organism will move away from the stab line spreading out in the tube.
  20. IMViC tests
  21. Indole Production test
    Tests to see if the microbe can oxidize tryptophan (an essential amino acid) with the enzyme trptophanase. When trryptophan is broken down it turns into indole. Indole is colorless and is detectable by adding Kovac's reagent. This will produce a cherry red reagent layer which is composed of P-DIMEHTYLAMINOBENZALDEHYDE. BUTANOL. AND HYDROCHLORIC ACID.
  22. Indole test procedure
    Obtain a SIM tube and then inoculate with needle via a stab. After incubating this test will tell you if the organism can oxidase H2S (hydrogen sulfide) by a black line where the stabe was. If the organism is motile by the spreading away from teh stab line. And if the organism can utilize tryptophan by adding Kovacs reagent and looking for the presence of indole at the top of the tube. This will be seen as a red color.
  23. Methyl red Test
    Used to check presence of a concentration of acid as the end products of the fermentation of glucose. Test is usually used to separate E.coli and E. aerogenes. The low ph of 4 is maintained by E. coli but E. aerogenes can enzymatically convert these acids to nonacid end products. When the methyl red is added in a pH of 4 it will turn red signifying a positive result. If it is added at a pH of 6 still shows the presence of alcohol but remains yellow indicating a negative result.
  24. Vogues-Proskauer Test
    Determines the capability of some organisms to produce nonacidic or neutral end products such as acetylmethylcarbinaol from the organic acids that result from glucose fermentation. This test uses Barritts reagent which consists of a mixture of alcoholic alpha-naphthol and 40% potassium hydroxide solution. To detect the presence of acetylmethylcaribanol must be oxidized to diacetyl compound. If the acetylmethylcarbanol is present a red or rose color will appear.
  25. Vogues-Proskauer Test results
    A positive result is a red or rose color in the MR-VP medium. This is done with the addition of Barritt's reagent and will develop in about 15 minutes after the activation of acetylmethylcarbanol and represents a positive result.
  26. Citrate Utilization Test
    In the absence of fermetable glucose or lactose some microorganisms are capable of using citrate. This depends on the presence of citrate permease that allows the transport of citrate in the cell. Citrate is the first major intermediate in teh Krebs cycle and is produced by teh condenstation of active acetyl with oxaloacetic acid. . Citrate is broken down by the enzyme citrase.
  27. Citrate Utilization Test Results
    In a simmons citrate slant agar a streak is made on top of the slant and then incubated. The slant has a dark green color and a positive result will show growth on the surface and the slant will turn blue.
  28. Urease Test
    Tests for the presence of urease in a organism. Urease is a hydrolyic enzyme that attackes the nitrogen and carbon bonds in amide compounds such as urea and forms the alkaline end product ammonia. The urea broth medium contains a pH indicator phenol red.
  29. Urease Test results
    The phenol red in the urea broth medium will change to a dark pink color in an alkaline environment created by the breakdown of urea into ammonia. No color change indicates a negative result
  30. MacConkey Agar
    "Is selective for gram negative bacteria and differential for lactose fermenting gram negative bacteria. Inhibits gram + growth by the use of crystal violet in the medium. The incorporation of bile salts
  31. Starch
    is a high-molecular weight branching polymer composed of glucose molecules linked together by glycosdic bonds. The degradation of this macromolecule requires the presence amylase. This turns the long chain into shorter ones which can be broken down utilmately into maltose. This is down by the enzyme maltase.
  32. Starch agar plate
    The medium is composed of nutrient agar supplemented with starch. The detection of the hydrolytic activity within the plate to determine is the starch is still present in the plate. If starch is NOT used when iodine is placed on the colonies that use starch a blue-black color will appear around the colonies in the medium. If the starch is used a clearing will be seen around the colonies when the iodine is placed on them. Showing a positive result.
  33. Lipid
    Are high-molecular weight compounds possessing large amount of energy. The breakdown of lipids are done by lipases which cleave the ester bonds in these molecules.
  34. Tributyrin agar
    "Used to determine the hydrolytic activities of the exoenzyme lipase. Tributyrin forms an emulsion when dispered in teh agar producing an opaque medium. Organisms that produce lipase will show a zone of LIPOLYSIS
  35. Casein Hydrolysis
    Casein is the major milk protein and is a macromolecule composed of amino acid subunits linked together by peptide bonds. They are broken into amino acids by the process called peptonization or proteolysis. This is done by the enzymes called proteases by cleaving the peptide bonds.
  36. Milk agar
    Is used to see if the organism produces the exoenzymes proteases which will break down the lactose in the plate. A positive result will in a ZONE OF PROTEOLYSIS around the bacterial growth.
  37. Gelatin Hydrolysis
    Gelatin is a protein produced by hydrolysis of collagen is nutritional value is questionable since it lacks the essential AA tryptophan (indole test).Liquefaction is accomplished by some micro organisms.
  38. Nutrient gelatin deep tubes
    A organism that produces gelatinase which will hydrolyze the gelatin in the agar and turn into liquid.
  39. Carbohydrate Fermentation
    Facultative anaerobes are usually fermenters of carbohydrates. Fermentation is best described by considering the degradation of glucose by way of teh Embden-Meyerhof pathway or GLYCOLYITC PATHWAY.
  40. A typical carbohydrate fermentation medium contains
    "1. Nutrient broth ingredients for the support of the growth of all organisms. 2. A specific carbohydrate that serves as the substrate for determing the organisms fermentative capabilities (glucose
  41. Results carbohydrate fermentation test
    If the tube changes to a yellow color indicates that the carbohydrates have been fermented and produced acidic waste products. In some cases the organism can produce CO2 gas in addition to fermentation which can be seen in the inverted tube.
  42. Nitrate Reduction Test
    Reduction of nitrates by sonme aerobic and facultative anaerobic microorganisms occurs in teh absence of molecular oxygen. The cell will use organic substances such as nitrates (NO3) or sulfates (SO4) to supply oxgen that is subsequently utilized as a final hydrogen acceptor during energy formation . Nitrate reduction can be determined by cultivating organisms in a nitrate broth medium.
  43. Reagents added to Nitrate Broth
    Following incubation two reagents are added: sulfanilic acid (solution A) followed by Solution B alpha-naphtylamine. DO NOT CONFUSE WITH BARRITTS REAGENTS.
  44. Results Nitrate Reduction Test
    Color change means that it is nitrate positive without having to add reagents. If it is colorless then you add the 2 reagents: sulfanic acid and alpha naphtylamine. Now if the solution turns red with the addition of these it is positive for nitrate. If no color change is seen with the addtion of the reagents then you add zinc. If the addition of zinc does not lead to a further color change you have a TRUE POSITIVE. If it does change color means that you reduced it with zinc leading to a TRUE NEGATIVE.
  45. Genus Staphylococcus
    "composed of both pathogenic and non pathogenic organisms. The major species are S. aureus
  46. Infections associated with S. epidermidis
    Skin lesions and endocarditis
  47. Infections associated with S saprophyticus
    been implicated wiht some urinary tract infections
  48. Infections associated with S. aureus
    "Often responsible for the formation of abscesses
  49. Coagulase
    Produced by S. aureus. Which causes clot formation leukocidin. which lyses white blood cells. hemolysin which are active against red blood cells. and enterotoxins which are responsible for a type of nontoxic nature
  50. Mannitol salt agar
    Medium is selective for salt-tolerant organisms such as staphylococci. Differentiation among the staphylococci is predicated on their ability to ferment mannitol. Uses the indicator phenyl red to show manitol fermintation with a yellow color
  51. Mannitol salt agar results
    "S. aureus strains. exhibit a yellow halo surrounding their growth. and nonfermentating strains do not. Is should be noted that other salt-tolerant microorganisms
  52. Coagulase test
    Production of coagulase is indicative of an S. aureus strain. The enzyme acts within host tissue to convert fibrinogen to fibrin. In the coagulase tube test for bound and free coagulase. Clot formation within 4 hours is interpreted as a positive result and indicative of a virulent S. aureus. DONE IN RABBIT PLASMA
  53. Staphlococcus aureus manitol results
    "(+) growth
  54. Staphlococcus epidermidis test results
    (+) growth in manitol (-) fermentation. Colonial pigmentation is white. Coagulase (-). DNase (-). Hemolysis (-). Novobiocin sensitity: sensititve
  55. Staphlococcus saprophyticus
    (+) growth in manitol (-) fermentation. Colonial pigmentation is white. DNase (-). Hemolysis (-). Novobiocin sensitity: RESISTANT COAGULASE (+) Causes UTI's
  56. Streptococci are classified by two major methods
    Their homolytic activity. The serologic classificiation of Lancefield
  57. Alpha hemolysis
    "An incomplete form of hemolysis
  58. Beta hemolysis
    A complete destruction of red blood cells exhibits a clear zone of approximately 2 to 4 times the diameter of the colony. Streptococcus pyrogens and Streptococcus agalactiae
  59. Gamma hemolysis
    "Is indicative of the absence of any hemolysis around the colony. Most commonly
  60. Group A streptococcus
    "S. pyogenes referred to as Streptococcus pyogenes
  61. Group B streptococcus
    "S agalactiae Beta hemolytic. A resistant. CAMP test (+) S. pneumonia alpaha hemolytic. OP sensitive ""optochin. "
  62. CAMP test
    Group B streptococci produce a peptide CAMP substrance that acits in concert with the Beta hemolysis produced by some strains of Staphylococcus aureus causing an increased hemolytic effect. Streaking a blood plate with a Staphlococcus aureus and then perpendicularly streaking the Streptococcus (B) should produce an an arrow-shaped zone of hemolysis adjacent to th4e central streak of S. aureus growth.
  63. Standard Qualitative Analysis of Water
    1. Determines the presence of coliform bacteria in a water sample. 2. Obtains an index indicating the posible number of organisms present in the sample under analysis. 3. Confirms presence of coliform bacteria in a water sample for which the presumptive test was postive. 4. Confirms the presence of coliform bacteria in a water sample
  64. Coliform
    "G-. Facultative anaerobe
  65. Presumptive Test
    Is specific for detection of coliform bacteria. Is a series of tubes (3 tubes used in lab) containing lactose fermentation broth. One set of 3 tubes had double strenght lactose broth and was inculated with 10ml of water sample. The next set of 3 tubes was single strenght lactose tubes innoculated with 1ml of water sample. The last set of 3 tubes of single strenght lactose was inculated with 0.1ml of the water sample. Then the tubes were incubated and the results were used to give a probility of amount of fecal contamination
  66. Most Probably number Test (MPN)
    Is conducted by determining the number of tubes in each group that show gas following the incubation period. Gives a probability of the amount of contamination
  67. Confirmed test
    After the presumptive test is postive a eosin-methylene blue (EMB) agar or Endo agar is streaked from a positive lactose broth tube. EMB forms a complex that precipitates out onto the coliform colonies producing a green metalic sheen on the plate. Endo agar will show dark pink complex tht turns the E.coli colonies and the surrounding medium pink
  68. Completed Test
    "After a positive EMB eosin-methylene blue (EMB) test an isolated colony is picked up and grown in a lactose broth once again to look for the pressence of gas production. Along with a slant incoculated. If the lactose and tube produces gas and the gram stain from the slant reveals gram negative rods
  69. ECMUG
    4 methylum bellifferyl Beta D Glucuroni DE. Is a medium in which E. coli will glow under uv light. Substrate mug will be released by glucuronidase to make mug positive in UV
  70. Glucuronidase
    The enzyme used to break down ECMUG into the ultraviolet compound. Is used at the final step of water testing. The completed test
  71. Citrate Test indicator
    Bromethyl blue. Will turn blue in the pressence of alkaline environment. Citrate utilization produces pyruvate and CO2. CO2 causes the pH to increase
  72. Nitrate Reduction Pathway
    Nitrate (NO3) ---> NO2 (nitrite) where you add reagents for color change ---> complete (add zinc) ---> NH3 color change in tube ----> gas in tube
  73. EMB
    Eosin methylene blue. Will be a metallic green will be positive for coliforms. Selective Gram (-). Lactose positive (+)
  74. Bacteria with no motility (enterrobactericea)
    Shigella flexneri and Klebsiella pneumonia
  75. Urease positive (enterobacteriaceae)
    Kelbsiella pneumonia. Citrobacter fruendii. Proteus volgaris
  76. Widal Test
    Used to test for the bacteria Samonella typi. Test for pressence of a specific antibody for Salmonella typhi H flagella antigen (type d). Will take advantage of an agglutination phenomenon resultign from the aggregation of particulate antigens by a specific antibody.
  77. Widal Test Procedure
    Prepare a serial dilution (1:10 to 1:1280). This will be done by adding 0.9ml of .85 NaCl and .1 of serum making a 1:10 dilution. Then add 500 of this to another tube and mix with another 500 Normal saline. Continue this dilution. After double dilutions are made adding 500ml of the H FLAGELLA ANTIGEN. then incubate for 1 hour at 50%.
  78. Results for Widal (postive)
    Look for agglutination in the tubes. Highest one with particles (clumps on the bottom of it). When it turns homygenus.
  79. Acute Titer
    First titer conducted
  80. Convalescent Titer
    Second followup titer. If you get a x4 increase is positive result.
  81. Strep vs Staph catalase test
    Staph catalase (+) Strep catalase (-)
  82. streptoccoccus viridan
    Alpha hemolysis. Optochin resistant
  83. optochin
    also known as a p disk works on Streptococcus pneumonia
  84. Normal bacterial flora found in mouth
    1. Corynebacterium (G+) CLUB SHAPPED. 2. Neisseria (G -) DIPLOCOCCI
  85. Phagocytosis
    Cell eat eating . When a netrophil or macrophage. Will be inside cell Staphlycoccus epidermidus
  86. Antiphogcytosis
    Unable to be eaten by cell can be due to capsule or pilus. Ex. Streptococcus pnuemonia.
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Micro Lab II - Sheet1 (1).csv
Micro lab practical II