Rocks & Minerals

  1. What is this rock? Image Upload 2
  2. What is this rock and where in the NY area is it located? Image Upload 4
    Shale, found on the New Jersey Redbeds.
  3. What is this rock? Image Upload 6
  4. What is this rock and where in the NY area is it located?Image Upload 8
    Gabbro, located along the NJ Palisades
  5. What is this rock? Image Upload 10
  6. What is this rock, and what part of New York is it located on? Image Upload 12
    Schist, located on the Manhattan formation.
  7. What is this rock?Image Upload 14
  8. What is this rock? Image Upload 16
  9. What is this rock? Image Upload 18
  10. What is this rock? Image Upload 20
  11. What is this rock? And where can it be located in the NY area?Image Upload 22
    Gneiss can be found in the Fordham foundation, covering much of the Bronx & Westchester
  12. What is this rock? And where can it be found in the NY area? Image Upload 24
    Marble can be found in the Inwood foundation, covering a portion of the UES of Manhattan and a bit of the LES.
  13. What is this rock? And where can it be found in the NY area? Image Upload 26
    Basalt can be found in the Palisades in NJ.
  14. What is this rock? And where can it be found in the NY area? Image Upload 28
    Sandstone (along with shale) can be found in the New Jersey Redbeds.
  15. What sedimentary rocks are located in the NY area, and where can they be found?
    Shale and Sandstone, both sedimentary, can be found in the NJ Redbeds.
  16. What Metamorphic rocks can be found in the NY area, and where exactly are they located?
    Gneiss, Marble, and Schist, all Metamorphic, are located (respectively) along the Fordham, Inwood, and Manhattan formations.
  17. What Igneous rocks are located in the NY area, and where can they be found?
    Basalt and Gabbro, both Igneous, can be found in the NJ Palisades
Card Set
Rocks & Minerals
Flashcards of Rocks, some native to the NY area