CMST 2010 CHAP 5 Terms

  1. Body artifacts
    items we wear that are part of our physical apperance and that have the potential to communicate, such as clothing, religous symbols, military medals, body piercing and tattoos
  2. Body Orientation
    the extent to which we turn our legs, shoulders, and head toward or away from a communicator
  3. Chronemics
    The study of a person's use of time
  4. Citing Gestures
    gestures that acknoledge another's feedback in a conversation
  5. Delivery gestures
    gestures that signal shared understanding beten communicators in a conversation
  6. Expectancy violations theory
    A theory that maintains that we expect other people to aintain a certain distance from us in their conversations with us
  7. Haptics
    The study of how we communicate through touch
  8. Interaction adaption theory
    a theory that suggests individuals simultaneously adapt their communication behavior to the communication behavior of others
  9. intimate distance
    The distance that extends about eightteen inches around each of us that is normally reservedfor people with whom we are close, such as close friends, romantic partners, and family members
  10. kinestics
    the study of a person's body movement and its effect on the communication process
  11. mixed message
    the incompatibility that occurs when our nonverbal messages are not congruent with our verbal messages
  12. nonverbal communication
    all behaviors other than spoken words that communicate messages and create shared meaning between people
  13. paralanguage
    The study of a person's voice also called vocalics
  14. personal distance
    Raning from eighteen inches to four feet, the space most people use during conversation
  15. personal space
    The distance we put between ourselves and others
  16. physical characteristics
    aspects of physical apperance such as body-size, skin color, hair color and style facial hair, and facial features
  17. physcial enviornment
    The setting in which our beavior takes place
  18. proxemics
    The study of how people use manipulate, and identify their personal space
  19. public distance
    Commnication that occurs at a distance of telve or more feet, allwing listners to see a person while he or she is speeaking
  20. seeking gestures
    gestures that request agreement of clarification from a sender during a conversation
  21. social distance
    Ranging from four to twelve feet, the spatial zone usually reserved for professional or formal interpersonal encounters
  22. territoriality
    Our sense of ownership of space that remains fixed
  23. territoral markers
    Items or objects that humans use to mark their terriories such as a table in a coffee shop
  24. turn gestures
    gestures that indicate that anotehr person can speak or that are used ot request to speak in a conversation
  25. turn-taking
    in a conversation, nonverbal regulators that indicate who talks when and to whom
  26. vocal characterizers
    Nonverbal behaviors such as crying, laughing, groaning, muttering, whisperng and whinning
  27. vocal ditractors
    The "ums" and "ers" used in conversation
  28. vocal qualities
    Nonverbal behaviors that include pitch, rate, volume, inflection, tempo, and pronuciation as well as the use of vocal distractors and silence
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CMST 2010 CHAP 5 Terms
Terms for chap 5