Microscopic structure of skeletal muscle cell part 3

  1. Skeletal muscle cell formation
    1.) formed by fusion of multiple Myoblast

    • 2.) Myoblast bring own organelles + nuclei
    • (multinucleated cell)

    • 3.) some myoblasts remain myosatellite cells with:
    • a.exercise, disease or damage
    • b.helps w repair of cell
  2. Every muscle is surrounded by:
    Plasma Membrane= sarcolemma
  3. Transverse Tubules:
    Sarcolemma invaginations to center
  4. Myofibrils contain organized myofilaments
    • a. contractile proteins
    • b. actin(thin filaments)
    • c. myosin(thick filament)
  5. Muscle cells consists:
    Sarcomeres side by side of myofibrils
  6. *note*
    • during contraction the entire sacromere has become a A BAND
  7. *note*
    • H BAND-myasin
    • BAND-expands and contracts
    • H&I BAND-shrink
    • I BAND-actin
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Microscopic structure of skeletal muscle cell part 3
unit 2