Contemporary Problems Exam 1

  1. social problem
    a condition that a signifigant number of people believe should be remedied through collective action; causes/colutions lie with groups/collective action
  2. sociology
    the study of aggregated social behavior
  3. socialization
    how we learn culture
  4. ideology
    belief systems that justify the way social life is organized
  5. social differention
    what makes us different
  6. social stratification
    ranking by age, class, gender, race...
  7. actors in a social problem
    • media
    • government
    • public
  8. culture
    language, beliefs, values, norms and physical objects that are passed from one generation to the next
  9. norm
    a rule of behavior
  10. values
    what you believe in
  11. culture shock
    experiencing severe differences in culture
  12. culture relativism
    trying to understand a culture on its own terms
  13. social differention/stratification leads to
    gender, glace, racial inequality
  14. class stratification
    a large number of people with similar assets in wealth, eduation, and occupational prestige/mobility
  15. classes
    • upper/capitalist
    • middle
    • working
    • poor/lower
  16. gender stratification
    the signifigance of gender is that it is a social relation that societies use to control members
  17. race stratification
    a human group defined as distinct by virtue of perceiver common physical characterist
  18. racism
    discrimination based on perception of race
  19. discrimination
    based on characteristics (age, weight, sexual orientation...)
  20. theoretical models
    • functionalist
    • conflict
    • interactionist
  21. functionalist
    order in society through institutions/organizations; stability
  22. social disorganization theory
    subtheory of functionalist perspective. society is organized by expectations and rules (stability). disorganized if normless, culture conflict, breakdown
  23. conflict theory
    macro; arise from contradictions in the way society is organized; classes compete for limited resources
  24. value conflict theory
    subtheory of conflict theory; differences in values and not class conflict;micro
  25. interactionist
    micro; individual level of behavior is analyzed
  26. labeling
    groups label others deviants. the deviants can accept or change the label.
  27. personal problems
    causes/solutions lie in the individual
  28. ways to research social problems
    • ethonography/field observation
    • demographic studies
    • survey research
    • social policy
    • social movements
    • bibliography research
  29. social movements/organizations
    some groups work to change unjust and are often resisted by the societal status quo; seek to influence public opinion, police and funding through highly skilled media/advocacy campaigns
  30. campaigns
    a series of tactics and strategies designed to bring social change
  31. stages/phases of social problems
    • 1 problem definition
    • 2 legitimacy
    • 3 re-emergence of demand
    • 4 rejection and institution building
  32. globalization
    internationalization of the economy; emerging vision of the world and its resources as globally organized and managed as "free trade"
  33. factors in globalization
    • barriers to trade
    • financial restrictions removed
    • new organizations
  34. effects of formal globalization
    • restructuring
    • more migration
    • jobs and displacement
    • greater social stratification and inequality
  35. effects of informal globalization
    growth of underground economics
  36. neoliberalism
    • ideology of globalization; entailing:
    • 1 state needs to reduce its intervention in economics/social affairs
    • 2 markets should be deregulated to tap into the enormous creative energy of the market
    • 3 Business and investments should be unrestricted by borders and barriers to allove for full mobility of labor, capital goods and services
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Contemporary Problems Exam 1
Sociology 201 Contemporary Social Problems