Understanding and Dealing with the Experience of Loss

  1. There are three kinds of loss:
    • emotional
    • social
    • physical
  2. When is emotional loss experienced?
    when a relationship changes or ends
  3. What are four examples of emotional loss?
    break-ups, friendships, death, divorce
  4. With what is social loss experienced?
    with a major change
  5. What are examples of social changes?
    graduation, moving, loss of job, retirement
  6. Whenare physical losses experienced?
    • when a part of the body or function of htebody is loss
    • (loss of a part of the body or function of thebody)
  7. What are examples of physical losses?
    • paralysis
    • hair loss
    • memory
    • amputation
  8. What is the name of the psychologist and what did she work with?
    • Dr. Elisabeth Kubler-Ross
    • - worked with people dealing with death and loss
  9. What is Kubler-Ross's book called? What does it explore?
    • On Death and Dying
    • - explores the five stages of death and dying
  10. Kubler-Ross realized that these five stages can be what?
    applied to any significant experience of loss, and not just death
  11. What are teh 5 Stages of Death Dying/ Dealing with Significant Loss?
    • denial
    • anger
    • bargaining
    • depression
    • acceptance
  12. What are the basics about the stages?
    • they are part of framework that make up our learning to live with lost ones
    • not in order
    • help frame/ identify what we feel
  13. What are characteristics of denial?
    • helps us survive loss (normal)
    • doesn't last very long (can't avoid reality very long)
    • shock and denial= numb
    • hep us cope to make survival possible (survive loss/ get through each day)
    • helps us pace our feelings of grief
  14. What are characteristics of anger?
    • shouldn't take it out on others (displaced anger= take anger out on other people)
    • no limits (extends to everyone, even God; allowed to mad at God)
    • you need to let yourself feel it in order for it to go away
    • underneath is pain
  15. What are characteristics of Bargaining?
    • you try to change something that can't be changed
    • "If only... what if..."
    • Guilt is associated with it
    • You remain in past and avoid pain of present
  16. What are characteristics of depression?
    • time is the only thing that'll get us out of it
    • it happens when you realize the loss is really real
    • withdraw from life
    • appropriate response to great loss
  17. What are characteristics of acceptance?
    • it is not to be confused with being all right or okay (you're never going to be okay)
    • accepting reality and recognizing the new reality is permanent
    • it helps us see some + coming out of the -
  18. What are some things to remember about the five stages?
    • - not every person wille xperience them in the same way
    • - a person may return to one of the stages during a particularly difficult or emotional time
    • - examples: birthdays, holidays, significant events, pictures
  19. Where is God in all of this?
    • 1) Through Prayer
    • 2) Providing inspiring role models
    • 3) Offering an understanding of the "Communion of Saints"
  20. How is God there through prayer?
    • durring times of loss and loneliness, prayer allows us to have experience that we are NEVER alone because God is ALWAYS with us
    • We can pray through traditional prayers, or by simply talking to God throughout our day
  21. How is God present by providing inspiring role models?
    examples of those who have courageously dealt with loss and heartbreak
  22. How does God offer an understanding of the Communion of Saints?
    • we (on earth) are connected to those in heaven through our shared faith in Jesus
    • We can connect with them through actually receiving Jesus (our connection to those who have died) in the Eucharist
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Understanding and Dealing with the Experience of Loss
3rd Quarter