Menacing (2903.22)
Knowingly cause another to believe will cause physical harm to person, person's unborn, person's immediate family, person's propery
Example: "I'm going to kick your butt!"
Menacing (2903.22)
Aggravated Menacing (2903.21)
Knowingly cause another to believe will cause serious physical harm to person, person's unborn, person's immediate family, person's property
Example: "I'm going to kill you and your family!"
Aggravated Menacing (2903.21)
Menacing by Stalking (2903.211)
- Engaging in pattern of conduct knowingly to cause belief of physical harm or to cause mental distress
- To urge/incite another to violate by engaging in pattern of conduct knowingly to cause belief of physical harm or to cause mental distress through any electronic method
- To do either of the above with sexual motivation
Define: Pattern of Conduct
2 or more instances at a close time period
Define: Mental Distress
May need or require psychiatric treatment
Negligent Assault (2903.14)
By deadly weapon or dangerous ordnance negligently cause physical harm to another (or unborn)
Assault (2903.13)
- Knowingly cause or attempt to cause physical harm to another (or unborn)
- Recklessly cause serious physical harm to another (or unborn)
Felonious Assault (2903.11)
- Knowingly cause serious physical harm or cause or attempt physical harm by meands of deadly weapon or dangerous ordnance
- Knowingly HIV positive and have sex without disclosing, have sex when there is lack of mental capacity, or have sex with person under 18
Aggravated Assault (2903.12)
- Under the influence of sudden passion/fit of rage brought on by serious provocation reasonably sufficient to incite a person to use deadly force
- Knowingly cause serious physical harm or cause or attempt physical harm by means of deadly weapon or dangerous ordnance
Aggravated Vehicular Assault (2903.08)
Cause serious physical harm while operating a vehicle recklessly
Aggravated Vehicular Homicide (2903.06)
Cause death while operating a vehicle recklessly and/or negligently
Negligent Homicide (2903.05)
Negligently cause death (or unlawfully terminate pregnancy) by means of deadly weapon or dangerous ordnance
Reckless Homicide (2903.041)
Recklessly cause death
Example: pushing someone down a hill, causing their death
Reckless Homicide (2903.041)
Example: Dick Cheney - shoot and kill a person while hunting
Negligent Homicide (2903.05)
Example: leaving a handgun in access of small children, whereupon the child dies
Negligent Homicide (2903.05)
Involuntary Manslaughter (2903.04)
Cause death (or unlawful termination of pregnancy) while commiting/attempting a felony or misdemeanor (reulatory offense)
Voluntary Manslaughter (2903.03)
While under the influence of sudden passion/fit of rage brought on by serious provocation reasonably sufficient to incite a person to use deadly force, knowingly cause death
Murder (2903.02)
Purposely cause death, but not voluntary/involuntary manslaughter
Example: raping someone and then deciding to kill her
Murder (2903.02)
Aggravated Murder (2903.01)
- Purposely with prior calculation and design cause death
- Purposely cause death while committing, attempting, or fleeing kidnapping, rape, aggravated arson, arson, aggravated robbery, robbery, aggravated burglary, burglary, escape, trespass in habitation (when person present or likely to be present)
- Purposely cause death of person under 13
- Person under detention purposely causes death
- Purposely cause death of law enforcement office knowing the officer is engaged in duties or with a specific purpose to kill the officer
Example: find wife in bed with another, wait and plan murder, then kill her
Aggravated Murder (2903.01)