Practical 3

  1. Name the parts of the limbic system.
    • Cingulate gyrus
    • Hippocampus
    • Parahippocampus
    • Amygdala
    • Fornix
  2. Name the parts of the Basal Nuclei.
    • Corpus striatum
    • Caudate nucleus
    • Lentiform nucleus
    • Putamen
    • Globus Pallidus
  3. Name the parts of the Diencephalon.
    • Thalamus
    • One in each hemisphere, connected by the intermediate mass of the thalamus
    • Epithalamus
    • Pineal gland
    • Hypothalmus
    • Mammillary Bodies
    • Infundibulum
  4. Name the parts of the brain stem.
    • Midbrain
    • Cerebral peduncles
    • Corpora Quadrigemina
    • Superior Colliculus
    • Inferior Colliculus
    • Substantia Nigra *
    • Red nucleus *
    • Superior Cerebellar Peduncles
    • Pons
    • Middle Cerebellar Peduncles
    • Medulla Oblongata
    • Inferior cerebellar peduncles
    • Pyramids
    • Decussation of the pyramids
    • Olives
  5. Name the parts of the cerebellum.
    • Fissures
    • Folia
    • Vermis
    • Abor Vita
    • Lobes
    • Anterior
    • Posterior
    • Flocculonodular
  6. Name the features of the Spinal Cord
    • Anterior Median Fissure
    • Posterior Median Sulcus
    • Cervical Enlargement
    • Lumbar Enlargement
    • Conus Medullaris
    • Cauda Equina
    • White Matter
    • Anterior Funiculus
    • Poster Funiculus
    • Lateral Funiculus
    • Gray Matter
    • Gray Commissure
    • Ventral Horn with motor neurons
    • Lateral Horn
    • Dorsal Horn
    • Filum terminale
    • Denticulate Ligaments
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Practical 3
Study guide for Practical 3