l&p quiz 5

  1. Propoganda
    • a) propaganda refers to the spreading of ideas to help or injure someone (usually some one in public office), a group, or a country.
    • b) Using various actions (including communicative means) to bring a course of action that is either socially beneficial or socially harmful.
    • c) Appealing to emotions rather than reason
    • · A language which pretends to communicate but does not.
    • · Doublespeak is often used to mislead.
    • · It alters our perception of reality, breads suspicion, cynicism, distrust and hostility.
    • · Doublespeak may be done through the use of Euphemisms (words designed to avoid harsh or distasteful reality).Euphemisms can sugar-coat the truth and distort reality.
  3. Glittering Generalities
    • -A politician identifying his program with virtue by the use of "virtue words." ·
    • -The political actor through words of virtue appeal to our emotions of love, generosity, and brotherhood. ·
    • -The words suggest shining ideals which people of goodwill will readily accept. ·
    • -Glittering generalities make us accept facts without examining them. ·
    • - Makes an audience personify an idea.
    • Examples: Patriotism, compassionate, truth, a uniter, loyalty, freedom to chose,
    • honor, liberty, social justice, public service, the right to work, affirmative
    • access, progress, democracy, the American way, Constitution-defender,
  4. Band Wagon
    • · Employing device(s) like symbols, colors, music, movement, dramatic arts to making people follow the crowd, accept program en masse.
    • · Band wagon involves harnessing fear, prejudices, hate, biases, convictions, ideals common to a group.
  5. Card Stacking
    • · Employing all the arts of deception to win support.
    • · Involves stacking the cards against the truth.
    • · Using under-emphasis and over-emphasis to evade facts and dodge issues.
    • · Resorting to lies, censorship, distortion, false testimony.
    • · Omission of facts ·
    • - Raising new issues to make old embarrassing one disappear or forgotten.
    • · Employing sham, hypocrisy, effrontery (shameless boldness).
    • · Used to build up a candidate, a political course of action including war.
    • · Used to destroy another individual, political party or country by making one’s course of action seem or look credible although it may be worthless.
  6. Transfer
    • · Carrying over the authority, sanction, and prestige of something (e.g., church, nation, heritage) the electorate or public respects and revere to something a political actor would them to accept.
    • · Getting churches to go against abortion and then transferring that authority into one’s political program.
    • ---May involve the use of symbolism: crucifix for Catholicism, swastika for anti-Semitism or Nazism
    • (often used by a hate group)
  7. Testimonial
    • · Making the public accept anything from a movie, a cultural truism, a to a program of national policy.
    • · Mr. Regan: Vote for the Gipper
    • · Gipper = grandfather or movie character
  8. Gobbledygook or bureaucratese
    Overwhelming the audience with words. Alan Greenspan
  9. Inflated Language
    • -Words and expressions used with the aim of making the ordinary seem extraordinary·
    • -Words and expressions used to make everyday things seem impressive·
    • -Words and expressions used to give an air of importance to people or situations, to make the simple complex.
  10. Jargon
    • - Use of specialized language of a trade, profession or similar group such as, lawyers, doctors, politicians, etc.
    • - Jargons allows professional to carry out effective communication. ·
    • - When professionals use jargons to speak with non-professionals then it becomes doublespeak.
  11. Slogan
    • A political slogan is a catchword or rallying motto distinctly associated with a political party or other group.
    • Like any newly created words, the effectiveness of a slogan depends on its acceptability by the general public.
    • Slogans are generally brief statements of a single idea.
    • They are easy to remember and repeat.
    • They are usually three to four words
  12. Cater Slogans
    Mostly moralistic e.g., I will never lie; a government as good as the people conciliations: panama Canal Treaty (Foreign conciliation); Decontrol of gasoline prices (domestic program), environmental protection (domestic program); human rights (foreign conciliation); deregulation of airlines (domestic program); Camp David Accords (foreign conciliation). aggression: energy crises (from energy crises--the moral equivalent of war).
  13. Reagan Slogans
    • get the government off the backs of the people
    • reduce government spending
    • tax reduction
    • the new American revolution
    • strategic defense initiative
    • just say no
  14. Bush 1 Slogans
    • I want a kinder , gentler America
    • No new taxes
    • the education president
    • war on drugs
    • operation desert storm
    • the new world order
  15. Clinton Slogans
    • the new covenant (campaign promise)
    • reinventing government (campaign promise)
    • putting people first (campaign promise)
    • MaeriCorps
    • end welfare as we know it
    • the era of big government is over
    • North American Free trade Agreement
  16. Purpose of Slogans
    • Slogans express political actors’ intentions for their administrations.
    • To increase acceptance of a proposal by associating it with a brief memorable phrase
    • It is a vivid stimulus associated with a proposal
    • They are viewed as valid promise(s) by political actors.
    • They are prominent and frequently repeated attributes of political actors or administrations
    • They provide an insight into the personality of the president
  17. Slogan to be accepted
    • (a) the group of words do not have to be used frequently in other contexts;
    • (b) the slogan must be proposed multiple times by the political actor or members of his party
    • (c) the slogan must be repeated many times by journalists and other political commentators.
    • (d) the political must view the Public’s sentiments toward the slogan.
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l&p quiz 5