What were some issues of the VERB campaign had with their initial decision to target only "tweens" (9-13)
Reported tensions between public health goals (which take time to achieve) and a profit oreinted marketing approach.
difficulties engaging community partners who wanted ownership instead of commercial involvement & brand protection
Describe 2 possible risks that community members may face by participating in community-based/participatory approaches in health promotion.
- -being labeled in the community and being treated by the stigma associated
- -possible abuse at home for being involved with social change
- -feeling victimized and used by the rersearchers
What is participating photo mapping?
PPM is presented here as an integrated suite of digital tools, narrative interviews and participatory research protocols that enable transdisciplinary community-based health partnerships to produce shared practical knowledge.
people can indicate where experiences occurred (via maps), what experience looked like (via photos or drawings) and how experiences unfolded (via narratives)
- PPM unfolds in a four step iterative process.
- 1 participants are provided digital cameras and GPS units with which to take pictures of their neighborhood, documenting routine use of community and recreation environments.
- 2 the photos become the objects of interviews in which individual and collective narratives are attached to particular images.
- 3 the images are mapped as part of a neighborhood-level GIS that may include other spatial data. This step produces a qualitative/quantitative GIS focused on the experience of health and place.
- 4 involves actions aimed at policy and decision makers identified by the participants.
PPM combines participatory photography, community mapping, and lived experience interviews in order to capture both the qualitative and quantitative dimensions of people's experience of place and health.
What are 3 benefits of using photo mapping with young people to understand connections between place & health, according to Dennis (2008).
- -user friendly technology
- -fun easy to master, tangible, and child centered
- -provides a useful medium for helping young people explore abstract questions such as who are you?
- -provides opportunity for participants to feel valued and taken seriously, providing a non-evaluative/non-judgemental environment, providing narrative autonomy, and produces a tangible product.
- -useful method for exploring what young people find salient about places
- -silent tool that helps very young children find a voice
What are 2 key principles of community based research as cited by Israel reading?
- • Draws on constructivist & critical theories to address limitations of positivist science
- • Recognizes community as a unit of identity
- • Builds on strengths and resources within
- the community
- • Facilitates collaborativepartnerships in
- all phases
- • Integrates knowledge and actionfor mutual benefit of all partners
- • Promotes co-learning and empowering
- process that attends social inequalities
- • A cyclical, time consuming, and iterative
- process
- • Addresses physical, mental, social, spiritual health within a larger ecological
- framework
- • Disseminates knowledge gained to
- all partners
- • A cyclical,time consuming, and iterative
- process
- • Addresses physical, mental, social, spiritual health within a larger ecological
- framework
- • Disseminates knowledge gained to all
- partners
What are 5 recommendations Aboriginal people gave to community-based researchers?
- 1) learn about reserve, identify key community memebers to collaborate with, visit the reserve before researching and come with friendship, have flexible timelines
- 2) During: -be geuine/transparent -don't oversimplify/generalize info -keep researchers consistent -report to leadership of the reserve
- 3) Ongiong application: maintain relationships -immpliment programming -support community members in local research -archive communiuty experiences
What are 2 factors enabling uptake of a program in a community?
- • The issue is relevant and becomes a priority (e.g., poverty & lack of access to municipal recreation)
- • Actively involving community members
- • Structural dimensions of poverty addressed
- • Pooling resources
- • Sharing responsibility for uptake via partnerships
What are 2 factors inhibiting uptake of a program in a community?
-Emphasis on revenue generation
- • Professionally led planning
- • Inadequate attention to structural barriers
- • Undervaluing certain resources
- • Over-reliance on one idea champion
Why are jointly developed operating norms often a key to success in community-based health promotion?
establishing norms encourages respect in a group, by developing mechanisms for challenging group processes that reinforce social inequalities.
- establishment of a norm of confidentiality
- among participants, in which topics discussed are not shared outside the
- partnership.
- Deciding how decisions will be made, whether by consensus or majority vote, and with regard to issues like budgeting and resource allocation
Provide 2 operating norms from the KWAP project:
- • Shared leadership
- • Shared responsibility
- • Consensus decision making
- • All voices and resources are valued
- • Conflict is dealt with openly
- • ‘Power with’ instead of ‘power over’
- • Relationships are as important as achieving tasks
Why is the term `visible minority` problematic?
How does the term Visible minority relate to power relations?
What are 2 benefits of community-based approaches to HP & PA?
- shared responsibility, so initiative can carry on in some participants move on
- - experiencial knowledge
- - attemps to equalize power in the study by valuing everyone's knowledge
- -pooling resources ie: community partners, discounts, ways to reduce cost
-offers a means to reduce the gap between theory, research, and practice that has been problematic in the field - -can aid in working with marginalized communities, whose members experience limited access to resources and decision-making processes.
- - can facilitate integrating the generation of knowledge into strategies to provide community and social change.
What are 2 challenges of community-based approaches to HP & PA?
- -language barriers between professional and other meanings of same word
- -trust issues, lack of, building trust
- -conflict within the group, beliefs, resource distribution, within organization/politics
- -time consuming and may raise expectations of the community
- -success beyond the one community that has been involved
- issues related to developing community research partnerships: -lack of respect/trust -unequal power/control distribution -conflicts in perspective, priorities, assumptions, values, beliefs, and language -funding conflicts -time consuming process -conflicts with task/process emphasis -who is used to represent the community/ definition
- Methodological issues: -questions of research quality -proving intervention success -having to withhold information about the research -finding balance between research and action -time demands -interpretation/integration of data from different sources
- Social/Political/Economic/Institutional/ Cultural Issues: -competing institutional demans -risks associated with achieving tenure/promotion within acedemia -expectations/demands of funding institutions -political/social dynamics in the community -deterrents to change
How does Isreal et al. (2008) define a community?
How did the WOAW group want to define themselves?
-women on low income
Describe KWAP.
Kamloops Women's Action Project: a collaborative effort involving women on low income, municipal recreation department, community partners, and a research team.
Describe the role of the public health nurse and the Women First Nation Band in the project.
Wanted to use funding to increase the availiblity of a new hockey arena for the low income women in Kamloops. Had the most experience in helping an open discussion and decided on a presentation as a group to city councel.
List and describe 2 programs/promotions of active Australia. Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of one of the programs.
Who was the primary target of the program and why did VERBE have problems engaging community partners?
Briefly describe the Psychology of Beauty video. And give two weaknesses of this video.
- The video begins with a young girl looking at the camera, then you are bombarded with media images of scantel clad women, ad snippets and music video shots of the media's idea of beauty.
- -it re-enforces the beauty image
- -does not give realistic views of what beaty should be
- -does not give information of how to talk to young girls to allow for them to not need to look the same to be beautiful.
List and describe the dominant approaches used by Mass Media Campaigns and Physical activity.
- 1. Public education
- 2. Social Learning
- 3. Social Marketing
Provide three types of newcomers that may be especially likely to experience discrimination when accessing health care
- -those with language issues
- -those with mental health / HIV/AIDS
- -those with different cultural beliefs