bio 130

  1. they speed up metabolic rxn w/o becoming part of the prodcut or being used up in the process
  2. building of complex chemicals from simpler one
  3. breaking down of complex chemicals into simpler ones
  4. enzymes are
  5. it binds to the protein component of the enzyme
  6. an enzyme that has lost its proper shape and catalytic nature
  7. factor that influence enzyem action
    • temperature
    • pH
    • specificity of the enzyme
    • relative concentration of enzyme and substrates
    • presence of heavy metal ions
    • cofactors
  8. a digestive enzyme that cleaves starch into molecule of the disaccharide maltose
  9. what molecule does amylase make from starch?
    disaccharide maltose
  10. What is used to detect starch?
  11. what is it called when the temperature is so high the enzyme becomes inactive?
    dnaturation point
  12. the degradation of a large, often insoluble molecule into components that can enter into respiration or be reassembled into other compounds
  13. what does complex carbohydrates yield when digested?
  14. what does proteins yield when digested?
    amino acids
  15. what does lipids yield when digested?
    fatty acids and glycerol
  16. what does starch yield when digested?
  17. What test detects maltose and glucose?
    benedicts test
  18. the cellular processes that release energy from a food source such as glucose
  19. the removal of hydrogens from glucose is
  20. what plays a large part in determining how much of the food's energy is trasferred to ATP?
    the recipient of electrons
  21. the electron transfers that yield most of the energy captured in ATP occur in the
    cristae of the mitochondria
  22. what is the process that plants carry out in the absence of molecular oxygen?
  23. whats the common end product of fermentation in plants?
  24. the potential ATP yield of respiration is almost ___ times greater when oxygen is present
  25. the experiment with 5 bottles that removed air and showed that germination forms Barium Carbonate
  26. heat is released during all respiration and represent food energy that is not captured by
  27. what did the fermentation tubes contain
    • syrup and water
    • yeast and syrup and water
  28. most living organisms function either as_____or_____
    • primary producers
    • consumers
  29. plants that are green and can make their own food
  30. an organism that makes its own food is known as
    an autotroph (self-feeder)
  31. an organism that that consumes others food
  32. chloroplasts location
    cytoplasm, but outside the vauole
  33. have well developed thylakoid membrane system and contain chlorophyll
  34. where does the absorption of light and energy transfer in the chloroplast?
  35. where does the incorporation of electrons into ATP and NADPH+H+ occur?
    grana of chloroplast
  36. where does the synthesis of sugars and amino acids occur?
    chloroplast stroma
  37. functions of photosyntesis products
    • * power the plants activites
    • * produce cell structure
    • * be exported to other parts of the plant
    • * stored in place for reuse later
  38. the name of the process of keeping seeds growing in an environment without oxygen
    negative control
  39. what was used to test for enzyme activity's and digestion?
    • iodine
    • starch solution
  40. what was used to test respiration?
    Barium Hydroxide solution
  41. What was used to test for fermentation?
    • syrup water
    • yeast
  42. What can you seperate on paper chromatography?
    • chlorophyll a and b
    • carotene
    • xanthophyll
  43. an instrument containing a prism that separates wite light into the component colors
  44. What determines the percent transmission of light by a pigment chosen from those used before
  45. what do dark zones represent in the spectroscope?
    light absorption by the pigments
  46. refers to the light that passes through a sample because it is not absorbed by the pigment
  47. the light that the pigment takes up
  48. what machine is used to measure light transmission and absorption?
  49. what is the dim light you see coming from the tube?
    chlorophyll as a consepence of absorbing the light from the lamp
  50. chlorophyll electrons are put into an excited condition by the absorption of
    light energy
  51. what is released from the test tube of chlorophyll in the form of light
    excess energy from electrons having no place to go
  52. a polymer consisting of many flucose units
  53. What are the key events of photosynthesis
    • the trapping of the light energy by pigments
    • transfer to ATP and NADPH
    • fixing of CO2
  54. what is an important side rxn of photosynthesis?
  55. the breakdown of water to form protons, electrons and O2
  56. plants that make fod solely by the Calvin Cycle are known as
    C3 plants
  57. the first stable compound formed in the Calvin Cycle is
    tree-carbon compound called PGA
  58. In the Calvin Cycle carbon dioxide is essentially directly incorporated into
  59. What takes place in the stroma of C3 plants?
    sugar producing reactions
  60. What takes place in the grana of C3 plants?
  61. What reduces the food making efficiency of C3 plants?
  62. When oxygen competes with CO2 in the food making reactions
  63. when is photorespiration high?
    when the stomates are closed
  64. the sheath of cells around the vascular bundle that looks differnt than the other mesophyll cells
    Kranz anatomy in the C4 plant
  65. Whats used to generate CO2 in water?
    NaHCO3 break down
Card Set
bio 130
bio 130 lab exam material