Independent Variable
Determines another variable
Dependent Variable
Caused by another variable
Idiographic explanation
look at every element
generalize by looking at a few
Bottom - up method that starts with data and moves to a theory. Identifies patterns.
top down - start with a theory and get data
a model or frame of reference through which to observe and understand
something that explains observations, variables
testable expectation about empirical reality that follows from a more general proposition
abstract terms representing common characteristics i.e. user satisfaction
Belmont Report
Syphilis study that framed ethical principles such as respect for perseons, beneficence and justice
Institutional Review Board ensures that ethical guildelines are followed - three levels - exempt, expediated and full-review
data is not attached to a real person
Data and person are attached but promise not to release data
Don't know much about subject, preliminary research
data (census)
look at causes, relationship among variables
Unit of analysis
the what or whom being studied - groups, individuals, dept, organization, social artifact
ecological fallacy
Erroneously drawing conclusions about individuals solely from the observations of groups
Trend Studies
a given characteristic of some population is monitored over time
Cohort study
A study in which some pecific subpopulation or cohort is studied over time, data may be collected from different members in each set of observations
Panel studies
A type of lingitudinal study in which data are collected from the same set of people at several points in time.
One thing directly influences another. A causes B.
Don't know which one is first but they are related
Spurious relationship
coincidental relationship - ex. shoe size determines math ability
take an abstract idea and get a precise definition ( romantic love)
How to measure concept (i.e. surveys)
aspects of the concepts
an observation that we choose to consider as a reflection of a variable we wish to study
Nominal measurement
named measurement - i.e. gender
ranked scale no definite measure between intervals
interval measurement
interval is same between (i.e. temperature)
Ratio measurement
absolute zero (i.e. age)
Same result over and over - consistent (empirical)
Theoretical measure true meaning
Random Error
noise (variability) human error related inversely to reliability
Non random error
systemic error
Face validity
Judging whether it appears to be measuring concept
content vailidity
degree to which a measure covers the range of meanings included within a conept
Predictive validity
measure verifiable by future criteria
Convergent validity
two different measures have comparable data
Discriminant validity
Related to each other but is a different concept (like, love)
Test retest reliability
same test to same group same results
Parallel forms reliability
Same test at the same time to two different groups
Intercoder reliability
two observers at the same time
Internal consistency
test of whether different indicators of same concept give same result
Each itme treated equally
Indexes - internal validation
type of composite measure that summarizes and rank orders several specific observations and represents some more general dimension
Scales - more valid
composite measure composed of several items that have a logical or empirical structure - likert