Geology 10

  1. Types of glaciers:
    • Valley
    • Ice shelves
    • Ice sheets
    • Ice caps
    • Outlet glaciers
    • Piedmont glaciers
  2. Where do valley glaciers exist?
    Mountainous areas.
  3. Ice shelves are thickest on:
    their landward side and thinning seaward
  4. Ice sheets exist:
    on a larger scale than valley glaciers
  5. Ice caps bury what?
    underlying landscape
  6. Outlet glaciers have 'tongues' of what?
    ice flowing outward from larger ice masses and into the sea
  7. Piedmont glaciers occur where?
    valley glaciers exit a mountain range onto broad lowlands
  8. If
  9. If the ice on the earth melted, what would the sea level rise to?
    60 to 70 meters
  10. High latitudes and high altitudes can form:
  11. Snowline:
    elevation above which snow remains throughout the year
  12. Elevation varies with:
  13. Steps in the formation of glacial ice:
    • •Air infiltrates snow
    • •Snowflakes become smaller, thicker, and more spherical
    • •Air is forced out
    • •Snow is recrystallized into a much denser mass of small grains called firn
    • •Once the thickness of the ice and snow exceeds 50 meters, firn fuses into a solid mass of interlocking ice crystals – glacial ice
  14. Two basic types of glacial ice movement:
    • Plastic flow
    • Basal slip
  15. Plastic flow occur where?
    within the ice
  16. Basal slip is:
    Entire ice mass slipping along the ground
  17. Tension causes what?
    crevasses to form in brittle ice
  18. Zone of fracture in:
    the uppermost 50 meters
  19. Some glaciers exhibit extremely rapid movements called
  20. Budget of a glacier:
    Balance between ice accumulation at the upper end of the glacier and loss at the lower end
  21. Zone of accumulation:
    the area where a glacier forms
  22. Zone of wastage:
    the area where there is a net loss of ice due to melting and calving
  23. Calving:
    the breaking off of large pieces of ice
  24. What happens if accumulation exceeds ablation?
    the glacial front advances
  25. What happens if ablation increases and/or accumulation decreases?
    the ice front will retreat
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Geology 10