human body made of
cells, tissues, organs, systems
- cell membrane
- cytoplasm
- nucleus
- cytology
study of cells and their functions
no matter what shape or function all cells have
nucleus, cytoplasm, cell membrane
A tissue is formed when like cells are grouped together and function together to perform a specific activity.
- connective
- epithelial
- muscle
- nervous
the study of tissue
Muscle Tissue
Muscle tissue produces movement in the body through contraction, shortening in length, and is composed of individual muscle cells called muscle fibers.
Three basic types of muscles
- skeletal muscles- attached to bone
- smooth muscles- found in internal organs-blood vessels
- cardiac- heart
Epithelial Tissues
- epithelium found throughout the body
- composed of close-packed cells
- form the covering for and lining of body structures.
- protective layer
- absorbs and secretes substances
- excretes wastes (kidney tubules)
Connective tissues
- supporting and protectin tissue in body structures
- adipose - provides protective padding around body structures
- bone- structural support for whole body
- cartilage- shock absorber in joints
- tendons- tightly connect muscle to bone
Nervous Tissue
- Nervous tissue is made up of cells called neurons that form
- allows for conduction of electrical impulses between brain and rest of the body.
- brain
- nerves
- spinal cord
Organs/ Organ Systems
- composed of several different types of tissue that work as a unit to perform special functions.
- Integumentary
- Musculoskeletal
- Cardiovascular
- Blood
- Lymphatic
- Respiratory
- Digestive/GI
- Urinary
- Female Reproductive
- Male reproductive
- Endocrine
- Nervous
- Special senses
- ophthamology
- Otorhinolaryngology
Body Planes
- Coronal
- coronal section
- cross-section
- frontal plane
- frontal section
- horizontal plane
- longitudinal
- median plane
- sagittal plane
- sagittal section
- transverse plane
- transverse section
Sagittal plane/ Median plane
- runs lengthwise
- front to back
- divides the body or any of its parts into right and left portions
Frontal plane/coronal plane
divides body into front and back portions
Transverse plane/horizontal plane
- crosswise plane that runs parallel to the ground.
- upper and lower portions of the body.
cross-section and longitudinal section
- longitudinal section - produced by a lengthwise slice along the long axis of a structure
- cross-section- view produced by a slice perpendicular to the long axis of the structure
Body Regions
- Abdominal
- brachial
- cephalic
- crural
- dorsum
- gluteal
- lower extremeties
- pelvic region
- thoracic region
- trunk
- upper extremities
- vertebral region
Cephalic region
the entire head
cervical region
neck region that connects to the trunk
- the torso
- sub-divided into different regions
- anterior and posterior
Anterior side
- thoracic
- abdominal
- pelvic
- pubic
Posterior side
- dorsum-back
- vertebral region
- gluteal-buttock
Upper extremeties
Lower extremeties
attached to the trunk
brachial regions
the arms
Crural regions
lower extremities
Body cavities
- abdominal
- abdominalpelvic
- cranial
- diaphragm
- mediastinum
- parietal layer
- parietal peritoneum
- parietal pleura
- pelvic cavity
- pericardial
- peritoneum
- pleura
- pleural
- spinal
- thoracic
- viscera
- visceral layer
- visceral peritoneum
- visceral pleura
cranial cavity
contains the brain
spinal cavity
contains spinal cord
ventral cavities
- thoracic cavity
- abdominalpelvic cavity
Thoracic cavity contains
two lungs and mediastinum
Mediastinum contains
The heart, aorta, esophagus, trachea, and thymus gland
The physical wall between the thoracic cavity and the abdominalpelvic cavity
abdominal cavity
- divided into superior abdominal cavity and inferior pelvic cavity
- The organs are thought of as one group referred to as the internal organs or viscera