Embalming 59-60

  1. Fluid in the supporting connective tissues surrounding body cells (about one-fifth the body weight)
    Interstitial Fluid
  2. Fluid inside cells of the body (constituting about one-half of the body weight)
    Intracellular Fluid
  3. Within the blood vascular system
  4. Discoloration of the body within the blood vascular system; for example, hypostasis, carbon monoxide, and capillary congestion
    Intravascular Blood Discoloration
  5. Fluid contained within vascular channels (about one-twentieth of the body weight)
    Intravascular Fluid
  6. Pressure developed as the flow of embalming solution is established and the elastic arterial walls expand and then contract, resulting in filling of the capillary beds and development of pressure filtration.
    Intravascular Pressure
  7. From within the body
  8. Condition that results when the body part that dies had little blood and remains aseptic and occurs when the arteries but not the veins are obstructed
    Ischemic Necrosis (Dry Gangrene)
  9. A solution having an equal concentration of dissolved solute to that of a standard of reference
    Isotonic Solution
  10. Condition characterized by excessive concentrations of bilirubin the skin and tissues and depostion of excessive bile pigment in the skin, cornea, body fluids, and mucous membranes with the resulting yellow appearance of the patient
    Jaundice (Icterus)
  11. A special vascular fluid with special bleaching and coloring qualities of use on bodies with jaundice: usually low formaldehyde content
    Jaundice fluid
  12. Wound characterized by irregular tearing of tissue
  13. Substance used to kill insect larvae
  14. Away from the midline
  15. A severe, often fatal bacterial disease characterized by pneumonia, dry cough, and sometimes gastrointestinal symptoms
    Legionnaires Disease
  16. Any change in structure produced during the course of a disease or injury
  17. To tie off an artery and vein upon completion of embalming
  18. A line drawn or visualized on the surface of the skin to represent the approximate location of some deeper-lying structure
    Linear Guide
  19. Decompostion of fats
  20. Postmortem, intravascular, red-blue discoloration resulting from hypostasis of blood
    Livor Mortis / Cadaveric Lividity
  21. The cavity or opening of a vein, artery, or intestine
  22. A specific antibody acting destructively upon cells and tissues
  23. Organelle that exists within a cell, but separate from the cell; contains hydrolytic enzymes that break down proteins and certain carbohydrates
  24. An insect larva; especially flies
  25. Method of mouth closure in which a suture is passed through the septum of the nose and around the mandible
    Mandibular suture
  26. Another word for perfuming agent
    Masking Agent
  27. Manipulation of tissue in the course of preparation of the body
  28. This must accompany a hazardous product; a requirement of the Department of Labor and OSHA under the Hazard Communication Standard
    Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS)
  29. Toward the midline
  30. An official elected or appointed to investigate suspicious or unnatural deaths
    Medical Examiner
  31. Inflammation of the meninges
  32. A minute one celled form of life not distinguishable as to vegetable or animal nature
    Microbe (Microorganism)
  33. The amount of radioactive material in which 37 million atoms disintegrate each second
    Millicurie (me)
  34. Chemicals added to the embalming solution to deal with varying demands predicated upon the type of embalming, the environment and the embalming fluid to be used
    Modifying agents
  35. Necrotic tissue that is wet as a result of inadequate venous drainage; may be accompanied by bacterial infection
    Moist (Wet) Gangrene
  36. Those agents which will prohibit the growth of mold
    Mold Preventative
  37. In a drying state; in the agonal period
  38. A paste to fix or fill
    Mortuary Putty
  39. A device used in the mouth to shape the contour of the lips
    Mouth Former
  40. Vascular injection from two or more arteries
    Multipoint Injection
  41. Method of mouth close in which a suture is passed through the septum of the nose and through the mentalis muscle of the chin
    Musculature Suture
  42. Space between the roof of the mouth and the floor of the cranial cavity
    Nasal Cavity
  43. Embalming insturment used to aspirate the throat by means of the nostrils
    Nasal Tube Aspirator
  44. Antemortem, physiological death of the cells of the body followed by their replacement
  45. Another word for autopsy
  46. Pathological death of a tissue still a part of the living organism
  47. A mechanical device used to impel specially designed metal pins into bone.
    Needle Injector
  48. Inflammation of the kidneys
  49. Metabolic by-products that contain nitrogen, such as urea and uric acid; these compounds have a high affinity for formaldehyde and tend to neutralize embalming chemicals
    Nitrogenous Waste
  50. A type of arterial fluid which contains inactive dyes that will not impart a color change upon the body tissues of the deceased
    Non-Cosmetic Fluid
  51. Resonably anticipated skin, eye, mucous membrane, or parenteral, contact with blood or other potentially infectious materials that may result from the performance of a worker's duties
    Occupational Exposure
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Embalming 59-60