micro lab 1 practical 1

  1. parts of microscope OCULAR
    (15x) mag
  2. parts of microscope OBJECTIVE
    • red scanner (4)
    • yellow scanner (10)
    • blue high dry (40)
    • white oil immersion (100)
  3. parts of the microscope CONDENSER
    A condenser is a lens that serves to concentrate light from the illumination source
  4. putting scope away
    1) lower light source 2)lower stage all the way 3) scanner obj in place 4)wrap cord neatly 50dust cover
  5. working distance
    between distance of eyes and lens
  6. parfocal
    lens stay focused when lens changed
  7. resolving power
    ability to measure spepartion of images that are close together
  8. refractive index
    speed of light as it goes thru an object
  9. what are prokaryotes
    archaea and bacteria(do not have any nucleus,mitrochondria,or any membrane bound organelles.
  10. what are eukarya
    protists & fungi (microscopic) plantae anamalia (have nucleus contain complete structures enclosed in nucleus)
  11. ubiquity
    everywhere present
  12. symbolic relationship
    one oraganism lives off another
  13. commensals
    one organism lives on another and is unharmed
  14. oppertunist
    ability of a non pathogenic 2 act as pathogenic in certain circumstances
  15. broth
    a liquid medium containing a variety of nutrients 2 grow cultures of microoraganisms
  16. innoculate
    introduce microorganisms 2 culture medium
  17. inculbate
    controlled enviroment temp on medium so they multiply
  18. turbulancy
  19. enriched
    (BAP) special nutrients
  20. all-purpose
    (TSA) triple soy agar
  21. selective
    (SDA) allows some 2 grow but not all
  22. differential
    able to differentiate b/w bacteria based on the reaction on the plate
  23. tsa
    triple soy agar
  24. bap
    blood agar plate
  25. sda
    sabouraud dextose agar
  26. alpha
    partial breakdown
  27. beta
    complete rupture
  28. GAMMA
  29. asptic
    free of pathogens
  30. sterilization
    free of all organic organisms
  31. disinfection
    the process of killing pathogenic organisms
  32. aspectic techniques
    is to ensure that no microorganisms enter the cultures
  33. incinerators purpose
    It is used to sanitize medical and other biohazardous waste before it is discarded with non-hazardous waste
  34. how the streak plate is used to onbtain a pure colony
    we want to isolate to get a pure colony
  35. yeast charteristics
    eukarotic-unicellular, reproduce by budding
  36. define mycelium
  37. define hyphale
    sections of the branching(mycelium)
  38. define spores
    on hyphale(sections of branching) molds reproduce by spores
  39. define budding
    yeasts reproduce by budding
  40. define dimorphic
    from yeast to mold with temp change
  41. def mold
    are fungi that grow in the form of multicellular filaments called hyphae become mycelium
  42. charteristic of fungi
    The fungal cell wall is composed chitin and r heterotrops enzymes digest then ingest nutrients
  43. def neg stain
    has a neg charge.bacterial repels neg charge dont take up dye and shows shape since background is dyes
  44. gram stain process
    • 130secs crisle violet-stains gram/neg and gram pos.peptidoglycan layers purple.
    • 21min(mortant)grams iodine insoluble complex with cristle complex
    • 310secgrams alchol removes crisle violet from gram neg bacteria making peptogycan colorless shrinks pores of peptidoglycan layer in gran pos bacteria purple
    • 41minsaferine is applied and stains decolorized pink gram pos unchanged and still purple
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micro lab 1 practical 1