Spanish - Classroom

  1. aprender
    to learn
  2. aprender de memoria
    to memorize
  3. aprobar
    to pass
  4. apuntar
    to take notes
  5. cometer errores
    to make mistakes
  6. copiar
    to copy
  7. dejar el libro en casa
    to leave behind
  8. enseñar
    to teach
  9. entregar la tarea
    to turn in homework
  10. hacer preguntas
    to make questions
  11. llegar a tiempo
    to arrive on time
  12. llegar tarde
    to arrive late
  13. navegar por la Red
    to surf the internet
  14. olvidar
    to forget
  15. participar en clase
    to participate in clase
  16. perder
    to lose
  17. preocuparse
    to worry
  18. prestar atención
    to pay attention
  19. repasar
    to review
  20. sacar buenas notas
    to get a good grade
  21. seguir instructiones
    to follow instructions
  22. suspender
    to fail
  23. tomar apuntes
    to take notes
Card Set
Spanish - Classroom