
  1. What is the area of hairstyling in which the hair is manipulated into the desired shapes and movements when wet and then allowed to dry completely?
    Wet Styling
  2. What three styling techniques are typically included in wet styling?
    • Fingerwaves
    • Pincurls
    • Roller Sets
  3. The art of shaping and defining hair in graceful waves created by two oblongs joined by a ridge.
  4. What is a fingerwave pattern with a low ridge?
    Shadow Waves
  5. How is overdirection created when fingerwaving?
    Pinching or pushing the ridge.
  6. What are the terms used for the recessed area of a fingerwave and the high ledge area of a fingerwave?
    • Recessed: Hollow
    • High Ledge: Ridge
  7. What is another term for a pincurl?
    Sculpture Curls
  8. What do pincurls allow you to do with hair?
    Temporarily change the direction and texture of the hair.
  9. What is the area at the scalp that is between two partings?
    Base of Pincurl
  10. What is the beginning portion of the strand (between the base and first turn of hair) that determines the direction and movement of the curl?
    Stem of Pincurl
  11. What is the remaining end of the strand that forms the curl and the size of the curl is determined by the width and strength of the wave?
    Circle of Pincurl
  12. What effect will a closed circle pincurl have?
    smaller and stronger wave
  13. What effect will an open circle pincurl have?
    wider wave pattern with uniform curls
  14. What pincurls would you create if you wanted closeness?
    Flat Pincurls
  15. Pincurls with volume create fullness and height and are also known as?
    Cascade Curls
  16. Large pincurls that stand up are also known as?
    Barrel Curls
  17. What type of pincurl is used to create hollow space and flare?
    Indentation Pincurls
  18. When needing areas of closeness and volume what type of pincurl is used to create a transition?
    Transitional/Semi-StandUp Pincurls
  19. When is a triangle base shape used and what do they help prevent?
    Used along the hairline and within straight shapes, helps prevent splits.
  20. How is an on base/no stem pincurl positioned on its base and what effect does it create?
    the entire circle of the curl is on the base, produces a strong lift or curl when used in a series creates a strong wave.
  21. When using half-off base/half-stem, where does the curl sit in relation to the base and what is the result?
    Half of the curls circle is positioned half off base or on the bottom parting. creates equal amounts of direction and volume.
  22. When using off-base pincurl, where does the curl sit in relation to the base and where on the head are these typically used?
    The circle of the curl is postioned below the bottom parting, used along the hairline, the nape area or when mobility or closeness is desired.
  23. When using an underdirected base, where in relation to the base does the curl sit and what type of volume is created?
    The curl sits on the lower portion of the base, creates reduced volume.
  24. When using an overdirected base, where in relation to the base does the curl sit and what type of volume is created?
    The curl sits on the upper portion of the base, created exaggerated movement.
  25. What type of wet style combines fingerwaves and flat pincurls?
    Skip Waves
  26. What type of wet style has one oblong followed by a row of pincurls?
    Ridge Curl
  27. What would you want to use a roller set over pincurls?
    • More volume
    • Firmer Set
    • Quicker Process
  28. When are cone rollers used?
    to set curved, circular or arch shapes.
  29. How do you measure the length of a section when using a cylindrical roller?
    Length of tool used + diameter of narrow end of roller.
Card Set
Cosmetology: Hairstyling III