Bill suffers a spinal cord injury in a motorcycle accident and needs surgery. Which type of physician will perform the surgery?
Mrs. Smith receives therapy for a malignant tumor, and the tumor disappears. Which of the following means the disappearance of the tumor?
Obstetrics is a specialty in which of the following areas
pregnancy, labor, and delivery
Parenteral administration excludes:
through the digestive tract
The term "orthopedist" refers to which of the following?
a medical specialist
What does "ophthalmology" mean?
study of the eye and its diseases
Which combining form means child?
What does "therapy" mean?
Which is not true of prefixes?
when written alone, preceded by a hyphen
What does endo- mean?
Which of the following are the two languages from which most medical terms are derived?
Latin and Greek
What does odont/o mean?
Which of the following combining forms means straight?
What is studied in pharmacology?
drugs and their effects on living organisms
What is the branch of medicine that is concerned with administration of substances that produce a loss of feeling?
What is the meaning of the suffix -logist?
one who studies
What is the name of the specialty that deals specifically with diseases of the elderly?
What is the primary area of interest in pediatrics?
What is the specialty of a neonatologist?
Which combining form means mind?
Which of the following does not have a suffix meaning pertaining to?
Which of the following is a physician?
Which of the following is a specialist who treats diseases of the urinary tract?
Which of the following is a suffix?
Which of the following is an ear, nose, and throat specialist?
Which of the following is an example of a combining form?
Which of the following is NOT a combining form?
Which of the following is not spelled correctly?
Which of the following is not true?
- .
- Chronic means having severe symptoms and short duration.
Which of the following is NOT true?
Most prefixes are changed when joined with other word parts.
Which of the following is true of rehabilitation medicine?
Its primary concern is restoring one's ability to live and work as normally as possible.
Which of the following medical abbreviations is not paired with the correct meaning?
Which of the following medical terms has its primary accent on the second syllable?
Which of the following professionals measures irregularities of vision?
Which of the following statements is NOT true?
The combining vowel is used before a suffix that begins with a vowel.
Which of the following terms does NOT mean pertaining to the urine or the urinary tract?
Which of the following terms means the study of the mind?
Which of these terms describes substances that readily permit the passage of x-rays?
The plural form of the singular term "phalanx" is:
Which plural form is spelled correctly?
axilla, axillae
The plural form of the singular term "virus" is:
Which specialty focuses on diagnosis and treatment of disorders of the nose?
Which statement is true of an ophthalmic medication?
It is to be used in the eye.
Which suffix means medical profession or treatment?
Which term means pertaining to the skin?
Spell correctly the plural form of the term "prognosis".
Spell correctly the plural form of the term "petechia".
: petechiae
Spell correctly the plural form of the term "bronchus".
Spell correctly the medical term formed by putting together the following word parts: "jejun/o" + "ile/o" + "-stomy".
Spell correctly the medical term formed by putting together the combining form "acr/o" and the suffix "-megaly."