
  1. Maintenance Rehearsal
    Holds info longer in STM
  2. Rote REhearsal
    Repeating Info over and over to hold in STM or LTM.
  3. Long Term Memory
    Everything we have learned. Most Encoded into MEANING. Some sensory info transfers
  4. LTM Capacity
    Holds Vast amounts of Info for YEARS
  5. Serial Position Effect
    STM and LTM work together. The position of items memorizing affects if one can recall them
  6. Primacy Effect
    • Remembering First things in a list.
    • Ex of LTM
    • Have enough time to rehearse the info before more info is introduced.
  7. Recency Effect
    • Remembering the last things on the list
    • Ex of STM
    • These Items are most recent.
  8. Maintaining Long-term Memory
    • Rote Rehearsal
    • and Elaborative Rehearsal
  9. Elaborative Rehersal
    Relate new info to known info
  10. Paranoid Schizophrenia
    • Evasive because didn't want to tell other person info
    • Very Preoccupied
    • Substance Abuse makes symptoms worse
    • Doesn't realize normal ppl cannot hear voices too
  11. Generalized Anxiety Disorder
    • Worry about everything
    • Hands constantly moving
    • cannot handle stress/pressure
  12. Bipolar Dissorder
    Extreme ups and down periods
  13. Panic Disorder
    • Feels pressure build up like going to die
    • These attacks come along
  14. Defining Psychological Disorders
    • Society: does it conflict with norms
    • Individual: Make Unhappy/Sad
    • Mental Health Professional: Behavior effect every day life
    • Maladaptive or functional
  15. Historical Views of Psychological Disorders
    • Late 18th century
    • Supernatural cause
    • or Demonic Possession
    • Usually Imprisoned w/little to no treatment
  16. Philippe Pinel and Dorothea Dix
    • Pinel (France) Dix (US)
    • brought Humane Treatment of mentally ill
  17. Basic models of Disorders
    Biological Model:
    Mental imbalance with brain chemistry
  18. Basic Model of Disorder
    Psychoanalytical Model:
    Based on Freud's Work
  19. Basic Model of Disorder
    Cognitive-Behavioral Model
    • How person perceives the world effects feelings
    • Ex: death
    • Person sad by how define and perceive death (going to heaven=happy, going to hell-sad)
    • Not actually effected by death (wasn't sad instant Tommy died just when found out day latter).
  20. Basic Models of Disorders
    Diathesis-Stress Model
    Genetic predissposition to a said disorder, but triggered by stress
  21. Basic Models of Disorders
    Systems Model
    • Medical Profession
    • family history/ social engagements
  22. Prevalence of Disorder
    frequency of disorder over given time frame
  23. Insanity
    • Legal term used to pardon the accused.
    • Lacked capacity to understand or control actions.
  24. Competency
    is Individual able to understand charges and participate in defense in course.
  25. Book to classify Abnormal Behavior
    • Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders
    • DSM-IV-TR
  26. Classify Abnormal Behavior
    • breaks into 16 categories
    • details symptoms of dissorder
    • allows for consistent diagnosis
    • little info causes/treatment
  27. Person Centered Plan
    Carl Rogers. NC follows plan. Focuses on Individuals needs not general assumption.
  28. Mood Disorders
    Most common
    Most common=DEPRESSION
  29. Mood Disorder deffinition
    Disturbances in Mood or prolonged emotional states
  30. Suicide
    • Anytime individual verbalizes suicide needs to be taken seriously
    • Has increased in Teens
    • Most common in elderly white males
  31. Hospitalize if Shows these signs of Suicide
    • Plans- after school
    • Means- gun
    • Access to Means- in closet
    • Intent- before kids get home
  32. Bipolar Disorder
    • States of extreme Mania then extreme Depression
    • Strong genetic links
    • hard for family/couples
    • Most dangerous during normal periods b/c stops taking medicine.
  33. Anxiety Disorders Deffinition
    Anxiety is a source of fear either unknown or is inappropriate given the circumstances.
  34. Types of Phobia
    Intense paralyzing fear of some object or thing
  35. Types of Phobia
    Excessive inappropriate fears connected w/social situations or performances
  36. Types of Phobia
    Involves multiple, intense fears of crowds, public places, and other situations that require separation from source of security
  37. Panic Disorder
    • Recurrent Panic Attacks
    • sudden, unpredictable, and overwhelming experience of intense fear or terror without any reasonable cause
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