Biology I Test Review

  1. Microorganisms that cause disease are known as ____.
  2. A ___ is a preparation of weakened or killed pathogens or inactivated toxins.
  3. When a bacterial infection does occur, ___ can be used to fight the disease.
  4. An unknown disease that appears in a population for the first time or a well-known disease that suddenly becomes harder to control is call an _____.
    Emerging Disease
  5. Disease causing forms of proteins.
  6. One way bacteria can cause disease is by breaking down and damaging ____ of the infected organism.
    cells or tissue
  7. Bacteria can also cause disease by releasing ___ that harm the body.
  8. A ____ is a disease-causing agent.
  9. One way to control bacterial growth is by subject the bacteria to high temperatures during a process know as _____.
    sterilizations by heat
  10. A ____ is a preparation of weakened or killed pathogens or inactivated toxins thatcan prompt the body to produce immunity to a disease.
  11. What organs do the bacteria that cause tuberculosis typically damage?
  12. What are antibiotics?
    A group of drugs used to block growth and reproduction of bacterial pathogen.
  13. How are the causes of tuberculosis and diptheris similar? How are they different?
    The causes are both taken into the body through lungs/mouth, and both break down tissue or release toxins
  14. Describe the similarities and differences of antibiotics and disinfectants?
    Both stop spead of bacteria, antibiotics don't harm host cell. Disinfectatnt can't ingest, made to sterilize.
  15. What should meat be cooked until it is well-done?
    Most bacteria can't survive in warmer temperatures. (100 degress C.)
  16. Bacterial Control Method.

    Putting milk in refrigerator
    Safe food storage
  17. Bacterial Control Method

    Using bleach to clean a countertop
  18. Bacterial Control Method

    Using boiling water to clean dishes
    sterilization by heat
  19. Bacterial Control Method

    Washing Hand.
    physical removal
  20. Bacterial Control Method

    Boiling Soup.
    Safe food processing
  21. What are some human disease caused by viruses?
    common cold, influenza, chicken pox, AIDS
  22. How do antiviral medications work? What don't they also kill host cells?
    They attack specific viral enzymes that host cells do not have.
  23. A person has a low helper-T cell count. What viral disease does he or she most likely have?
  24. A person has blister-like lesions on the skin. What viral disease does he or she most likely have?
    chicken pox
  25. T/F

    Pathogesn are able to evolve over time.
  26. T/F

    A noninfectous disease is an unknown diseaset hat appears in a population for the first time.
    False-emerging disease
  27. T/F

    The widespread use of vaccines has led to the emergence of resistant strains of bacteria.
  28. Slight genetic changes would be needed for the bird flu virus to become infectous to humans.
  29. Scrapie is most likely caused by pathogens know as viroids.
  30. RNA viruses hav shown an ability to evade antiviral drugs. How do you suppose this is possible, when viruses are not alive? How may the reproductive methods of viruses help the process?
    Viruses may be able to adapt to changes from generation to generation. It replicates very quickly.
  31. What are the three different bacteria shapes?
    • bacilli -rod shaped
    • spirilla- spiral and corkscrew shaped
    • cocci-spherical
  32. Compound that can block the growth and reproduction of bacteria
  33. Misfolded protein the causes disease in animals
  34. Bacteriophage DNA that is embedded in the host's DNA
  35. Protective structure formed by a prokaryote when growth conditions are unfavorable
  36. A particle made of nucleic acid, protein, and in some cases, lipids that can replicate only by infecting living cells
  37. Process in which viral DNA becomes part of a host cell's DNA
    lysogenic infection
  38. Disease-causing microorganism
  39. Preparation of weaken or killed pathogens or inactivated toxins used to produce immunity
  40. Process in which a host cell bursts after being invaded by a virus
    lytic infection
  41. Organism consisting of one cell that lacks a nuclues
  42. Virus that infects bacteria
  43. Process in which a bacterium replicates its DNA and divides in half
    binary fission
  44. A protein coat surrounding a virus is a _____.
  45. Viruses that have RNA as their genetic material are called ______.
  46. Some bacteria exchange genetic material through the process of _____.
  47. SARS, MRSA, Ebola, and bird flu are all examples of ______.
    emerging disease
Card Set
Biology I Test Review
Mostly notes from Section 3.