Old Testament Test 2

  1. Structure of Exodus
    • 1-18 Salvation
    • 19-24 Law
    • 25-40 Presence of God/Tabernacle
  2. Genre of Exodus
    • Prophetic Law/History
    • To reveal God's acts in the past and to show the nature of God in his acts
  3. Yam Suph
    • Yam Suph: Reed Sea not Red Sea
    • Reeds cannot grow in salt water, Yam Suph may not have been parting of the Red Sea but a lake/river north of the actual Red Sea
  4. Purpose of Exodus
    Account of birth of Israel and continuity of past promises
  5. God as a Warrior
    Exodus 15:3 when God closes the Red Sea on the Egyptian soldiers
  6. Plagues in Exodus
    Shows that God has power over the egyptian gods and that He reigns supreme to all
  7. Hapi
    God of fertility; associated with the nile; when God turns the nile into blood
  8. Hekhet
    Frog-headed god; defeated in the plague of frogs
  9. Amon-Re
    sun god; God takes away the sun during the day to show that Amon-Re is not superior
  10. Jesus Life is Patterned in Exodus
    • He had to leave Egypt to escape being killed when he was a baby
    • 40 days in wilderness represent 40 years in Exodus
    • He succeeded where the Israelites failed:
    • turning stones to bread
    • false worship
    • testing God
  11. Case Law
    cases according to the sociological and redemptivehistorical situation of the people of God at the time.
  12. Apodictic Law
    laws given in the general ethical form, universal like theten commandments
  13. Case Laws relate to TC
    they are specific applications of the TC
  14. Christ fulfills the Law
    • Only one to observe it perfectly
    • Frees us from the curse of the law
    • He bears the curse of the law so that we can be forgiven
    • He is the divine law giver – Sermon on the mount
    • Replaces ceremonial law, Sabbath practices
  15. Holiness Increases in the Israelite Camp
    • Metals increase in value as you get closer to the middle (bronze to silver to gold to pure gold)
    • Only certain people are allowed in certain parts:
    • Outside the camp: anyone can be there
    • Inside camp: only ritually clean Israelites
    • Around the tabernacle: levites
    • Only high priest in the holy of holies
  16. Function of Tabernacle
    Israelite place of worship
  17. Representation of Tabernacle
    God's presence and dwelling on earth
  18. Function of the Menorah
    Provided light for the interior of the tabernacle
  19. Representation of the Menorah
    In the shape of a tree; represents the Garden of Eden
  20. Function of the Ark of the Covenant
    It would lead Israelite Army into battle
  21. Representation of the Ark of the Covenant
    The Ark of the Covenant is the most potent symbol of God’s presence onearth. It is the footstool of God’s throne and is a mobile symbol of God’spresence.
  22. Function of the Cloud
    It appears when it filled the tabernacle (same cloud that led the Israelitesout of Egypt and through the wilderness)
  23. Biblical Theology of the place of worship from Genesis to Revelation
    • Eden – Altars – Tabernacle – Temple – Jesus – New Jerusalem
    • After the fall the people needed a place to worship the Lord, traditionallypeople could come before the Lord in Altar ceremonies conducted by thehead of the family. During the exodus Israel wasn’t just a large family,but a nation. During this sociological and redemptive time in history theyneeded a central place for worship so God commanded the constructionof the tabernacle. More permanent place- the temple, then Jesus becomesthe Temple and it is no longer needed. The presence of God on earth. Theword became flesh and tabernacled among us. Then in New Jerusalemthere is no temple because we are then with God.
  24. Meaning of Leviticus
    Pertaining to the Levites
  25. Numbers name significance
    Pertains to the two military censues that took place in Numbers 1 + 26
  26. Deuteronomy name significance
    • Deuter-Onomis: Second Law;
    • Moses’ final sermon
  27. Structure of Leviticus
    • 1-7 sacrificial laws
    • 8-10 priestly narrative
    • 11-16 laws to protect ritual cleanness
    • 17-27 holiness code
  28. Structure of Numbers
    • Old Generation Census 1-25
    • New Generation Census 26-36
  29. Genre of Leviticus
    It intends to inform the readerabout the past providing a historical background tothe law.
  30. Five Sacrifices of Leviticus
    ‘Ola, Minha, Shelemim, Hattat,Asham
  31. Minha Sacrifice
    Grain offering: not made with yeast, seasoned with salt because slat is a symbol of the covenant because the covenant survives the fire of life
  32. 'Ola Sacrifice
    Means rising up, refers to smoke coming from the sacrifice. Burnt offering symbolizing reconciliation. Sacrifice offered after relationship with God has been broken through sin. Those who offer will lay hands on dying animal to acknowledge they are sinners who need forgiveness. Yum Kippur, Day of Atonement. What you offer reflects economic status. A prayer will do if you cannot afford any animal.
  33. Shelemim
    Peace offering, sometimes called the fellowship offering.
  34. Connection between sacrifice/repentance/covenant
    • When you sin you break covenant with God, sacrifice is an outward sign of an inward repentance that restores the covenant
    • Understanding that you deserve death for what you have done
  35. Day of Atonement
    • Literally means “at one with God”
    • One day a year the high priest entered the room, the one containing the arkof the covenant
    • Step One: Priest changed clothes to simple white robe to show humility inthe presence of God.
    • Step Two: He then offers sacrifices for his sins and sins of Israel afterwhich he uses two goats in the ceremony.
    • Step Three: He places his hands on the first goat (which becomes thescapegoat) and
    • Step Four: sends it out into the wilderness to associate it with the removalof sin from the community.
    • Step Five: the second goat is sacrificed with regular atonement value forIsrael and himself
    • Step Six: He brings the blood into the Most Holy place and sprinkles it onthe arc. In this ritual, the sins of the nation of Israel are atoned for.
  36. Purpose of Atonement
    • Leviticus 16
    • The day of atonement’s purpose is to purge the tabernacle itself from the accumulated sins over the past year
  37. Unclean foods
    • They don't conform to the norms of their categories
    • i.e. lobster aren't fishy fish
    • birds who touch dead things
    • animals without split hooves
  38. Skin Diseases
    Basic sanitation; did not want to infect the priesthood and needed toprotect the holiness of God’s dwelling place.

    Leprosy spots were unclean unless the entire body was covered with them
  39. Blood and Semen
    They deal with life
  40. Census in Numbers 1
    Military count of the first generation; those who receive judgment and death
  41. Census in Numbers 26
    Military count of the second generation; those who receive hope and a future
  42. Structure of a Covenant
    Introduction, Historical Prologue,Law, Rewards and Consequences (Blessings and Curses), Witnesses, Review and succession
  43. Development of Covenant Theology
    First appearance of covenant (Berit): Genesis 6

    Genesis 9: God’s covenant with Noah

    Abrahamic Covenant Genesis 12:1-3: Emphasis on promise, two reaffirmations (Genesis 15 and 17) of a son and of an Heir

    Mosaic Covenant: Covenant of the Law, sign: Sabbath

    Davidic: covenant of kingship (2 samuel 7)

    Jeremiah: Lawyer of the Covenant, anticipation and prophecy of the new covenant

    Jesus: Luke 22:20, covenant sign is the communion, fulfills Mosaic (Sermon on the mount), Davidic (Lineage), Abrahamic (sacrifice of a son), Adamic (Christ is the second adam), all covenants build on each other and end in Christ. No covenant was wrong but merely incomplete.
  44. Near Eastern Background of treaty covenant
    • Two groups of treaties: Hittite and Neo-Asyrian
    • Two types of treaties: parity (between equal parties) and vassal (between two parties of different levels of power)
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Old Testament Test 2
Old Testament Longman March 8