first 1000 a2

  1. daima, hep// He is always late for school.
    Always// *o:lweyz// adverb
  2. geceyarısından öğlene kadar olan zaman/// 9 a.m. is 9 o'clock in the morning.
    a.m//*ey*em// noun
  3. -ım,-im/// ı am a student.
    am//*em/// verb
  4. amatör/// he is only an amateur footballer.
    amatuer///*emıtı// noun
  5. aralarında, arasında// there was an apple among the oranges.
    Among// ı*mang// preposition
  6. miktar/// there is small amount of water in the cup
    Amount/ ı*maunt// noun
  7. (herhangi) bir/// Can you give me an orange please?
    an// ın,en/// adjective
  8. ve /// we sang and danced
    And/// ınd, end/// conjution
  9. kızgın/// The teacher was angry with the noisy students
    angry// *engri/// adjective
  10. hayvan/// Cats, dogs, horses, cows and sheep are animals.
    animal/// *enimıl/// noun
  11. 1-başka bir, başka/// have you got another book?
    2- bir... daha/// do you want another drink?
    another// ı*nadı//// adjective
  12. 1-cevap vermek, yanıtlamak//// he answered the question.
    2- isim cevap, yanıt/// he didn't know the answer.
    answer/// *a:nsı/// verb
  13. karınca/// Ants live in large groups.
    ant// ent/// noun
  14. hiç/// have you any apples?
    any// *eni// pronoun
  15. kimse, biri, hiç kimse// is there anybody at home?
    anybody/// *enibodi/// pronoun
  16. kimse, biri, hiç kimse/// has anyone seen my book?
    onyone/// *eniwan/// pronoun
  17. (hiç)bir şey/// ı don't want anything.
    anything/// *eniting/// adverb
  18. neyse,, yinede/// he doesn't like that place, but he will go there anyway.
    anyway/// *enwey//adverb
  19. (hiç)bir yere, (hiç) bir yerde/// ı can't see my jacket anywhere
    anywhere/// *eniweı/// adverb
  20. 1- gibi görünmek// she appeared to be happy.
    2- ortaya çıkmak, görünmek/// the monkey appeared on the stage suuddenly.
    appear/ı*piı// verb
  21. iştah/// ı haven't any appetite
    Appetite/// *epitayt// noun
  22. elma/// i ate two apples
    apple/// *epıl// noun
  23. başvuru/// his application for the job was not accepted.
    application/// epli*keyşın// noun
  24. başvurmak// he wanted to apply for the job.
    apply///ı*play// verb
  25. randevu// ı have an appointment at the hospital
    appointment// ı*poyntmınt// noun
  26. uygun/// his words were not appropriate for the meeting.
    appropriate// ı*proupriıt// adjectives
  27. kayısı// he bought a kilo of apricots
    apricot// *eyprikot// noun
  28. nisan// they are thirty days in april.
    april// eyprıl/// noun
  29. -sin, -iz,-siniz;-dirler// you are very kind
    are// ı, a:// verb
  30. tartışmak/// you shouldn't argue with your friends.
    argue/// *a:gyu// verb
  31. tartışma/// they had an argument
    argument//// *a:gyumınt// noun
  32. kol/// she broke her arm
    arm/// a:m/// noun
  33. koltuk/// this armchair is very comfort able.
    armchair/// *a:mçeı// noun
  34. ordu// this lorry belongs to the army
    army/ *a:mi// noun
  35. etrafında, çevresinde;çevresine//// there were 6 chairs around
    the table
    around/// ı*raund// adverb
  36. 1- -iken,-ken,-ince/// the play started as ı got there.
    2-olarak/// she is perfect as a teacher.
    3--dığı için,çünkü/// as it was getting late, ıtook a taxi.
    4-as.... as ////kadar/// ı run as fast as he does.
    as/ ız,ez// adverb
  37. kül tablası// he put the chewing gum in the ashtray
    ashtray// *eştrey// noun
  38. 1- sormak/// she asked me my age.
    2-rica etmek, istemek// i'll ask him to help me.
    ask// a:sk// verb
  39. aspirin/// have you any aspirin?
    aspirin// *esprin///
  40. sanmak,farz etmek/// ı assumed that she was wrong
    assume/// ı*syu:m// verb
  41. astronot, uzay adamı/// the astronaut şs walkşng to the spaceship.
    astronaut/// *estrıno:t// noun
  42. -de,-da// he is at school
    at/// ıt,et// preposition
  43. atlet// the turkish athlete won a gold medal.
    athlete/// *etli:t// noun
  44. there are maps of all the countries in the atlas
    atlas// *etlıs// noun
  45. dikkat, ilgi/// he listened to the teacher with attention
    attention// ı*tenşın/// noun
  46. tutum// her attitude toward work is not so good
    attitude/// *etityu:d// noun
  47. ağustos/// august is the eight month of the year.
    August/// o:gıst// noun
  48. hala, teyze, yenge// my mother's sister is my aunt
    aunt// a:nt// noun
  49. otorite, yetkili/// who is the authority here?
    authority// o:'toriti// noun
  50. otomobil, araba// there are too many automobiles in this city.
    automobile// *o:tımıbi:l// noun
  51. sonbahar, güz// autumn is the season after summer.
    autumn///*oıtım// noun
  52. mevcut, hazır, elde edilebilir, müsati/// no one is available at the moment
    available// ı*veylıbıl// adjectives
  53. ortalama/// his marks are below the average.
    average/// *evric// noun
  54. uyanık// are all the children awake
    awake/ ı*weyk// verb
  55. 1-uzağa,uzakta/// my house is 6 kilometres away.
    2başka yerde, yok // she was away yesterday
    away//ı*wey// adverb
  56. balta// he cut the tree with an axe
    axe// eks/// noun
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first 1000 a2