american goverment

  1. enumerated powers
    powers of the goverment specifically mentioned in the constitution
  2. elastic clause
    article 1, section 8 of the constitution also called the necessary and proper clause; gives congress the authority to make whatever laws are necessary and proper to carry out its enumerated responsibilities
  3. bicarmel
    as applied to a legislativebody consisting of two houses of chambers
  4. delegate
    according to the doctrine articulated by edmund burke, an elected represenitive who acts in perfect accord with the wishes of his or her constituents
  5. trustee
    according to the doctorine articulated by edmund burke, an elected represenitive who believes that his or her own best judgement rather than instructions from constituents should be used in making legislative decisions
  6. desriptive representation
    sometimes called statistical representation; means that the composition of a representative body reflects the demographic composition of the population as a whole
  7. constituency
    the district of a legislator
  8. constituent
    a citizen who lives in the district of an elected official
  9. reapportionment
    the reallocation of house seats among the states, done after each national census, to ensure that seats are held by the states in proprtion to the size of their populations
  10. redistricting
    the redrawing of congressonal district lines within a state to ensure roughly equal populations within each district
  11. partisan
    a commited member of a party seeing issues from the point of view of the interests of a single party
  12. gerrymandering
    redrawing electoral district lines to give an advantage to particular party or canidate
  13. franking privilege
    public subsidization of mail from the members of congress to their constituents
  14. caucus
    a regional ethnic racial or economic subgroup within the house or senate. also used to describe the party in the house and senate as in republic cacus
  15. standing commitees
    relatively permanet congressional committes that address specific areas of legislation
  16. hearings
    the taking of testimony by a congressional committee or subcommittee
  17. markup
    the process of revising a bill in committee
  18. reciprocity
    deferral by members of congress to the judgment of subject matter specialist mainly on minor technical bills
  19. habeas corpus
    the legal doctorine that a person who is arrested must have a timely hearing before a judge
  20. executive office of the president
    a group of organization that advise the president on a wide range of issues
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american goverment
chapter 11 and 12