quiz 2

  1. Intergenerational Solidarity
    • Two Fundamental Themes in Parent/child relations
    • Family Solidarity: adult children and aged parents as primary sources of both emotional and instruental support
    • 6 dimensions of intergenerational solidarity:
    • 1.Associational: type and frequency of interaction---how often do I visit my parent
    • 2.Structural: what kind of structures influence how often I see them (distance, technology)
    • 3.Functional: type of support exchange in terms of what kinds of things are you doing back and forth. (are they paying for u, are you cooking for them)
    • 4. Affectional: showing feelings and emotions, displaying emotions
    • 5.Consensual: how much or what kind of agreement is there between the generations on values and opinions
    • 6.Normative: extent to which family members share family life expectations (timing of life events)
    • Intergenerational conflict: potential for conflict with and abandonment of the elderly
    • Dimensions of conflict:
    • collision of ind'l agenda and interest
    • ind'l tactics or responses to conflict of interest
    • hostility towards other- unfinished business
    • Historical Changes on parent/child relations:
    • life span increase, women in labor force/edu, geographic mobility, decline in intergenerational co-residence

    • Intergenerational Ties
    • tension between generational conflict/solidarity (autonomy vs. interdependence)
    • problem of maintaining balance in intergenerational relations (equity and equality)

    • Social Structural Positions affecting relations
    • age: —Maturation changes are likely to decreases differences between parents and adult children
    • —Gender: —Gender of both parent and child affect relations (mother and daughter are the closest)
    • —Race: —Greater closeness and less intergenerational conflict in black than non-black families

    • —Adult Children’s Transitions
    • —Normative: marriage or establishment of a relationship, kids, moving out, school, job
    • —Non-normative: divorce, death, illness,disability
    • —Parents’ Transitions
    • —Normative: retirement, health, care
    • —Non-normative: divorce/remarriage, leisure time

    • —Latent Kin Matrix – Latent web of continually shifting linkages that provide potential for activating and intensifying close kin relationships when they are needed:
    • —**GLBT Intergeneration Ties
    • —Not “gay” or “straight” families
    • —Generational differences
    • —“Disappointment” for some parents/grandparents
    • —Later life coming out process

    • —Role of Ambivalence
    • —Coexistence of solidarity and conflict
    • —Moving away from dualistic thinking
    • —Instead focus on complexities of relationships
    • —Negotiating the ongoing undercurrent of ambivalence that results from structured social relations

    • —
  2. Intergenerational Relationships: Support Exchanges
    • Models of Soical Support:
    • Hierarchical Compensatory: people have and order of who they want to get help from
    • Task-Specificity Model: certain people you know that will be better for each task
    • Functional-Specificity of relationships: function of each relationship, flexibility
    • Convoy Model: network of people you can draw upon

    • Support Exchanges:
    • informal supports: people that you know, not getting paid
    • formal supports: service providers (home health nurse)
    • intergenerational family transfers: aid that generations provide one another including money, time, help, space

    • Childless Older Persons
    • childless vs. childfree vs. childless by choice
    • reasons for status and childlessness
    • support systems: married childless couples (network), single women (social support networks), single men (smaller network, sister)
    • advantages: money, flexible time, open view of help, do more in life
    • disadvantages: less options, express fear by being alone
  3. Grandparenting
    • Grandparenting as a role and grandparenting as a right
    • transitions begins around middle age

    • relationships w/ grandchildren
    • influential: family wisdom, highly involeved, huge role in your life
    • supportive: similiar to influential but more hands off
    • authority oriented: actually doing some parenting
    • passive: grandparents thinking they are more involved, but hardly see them
    • detached: know you have a grandparent but not as closss relationship

    • Types of grandparents
    • formal grandparent: give presents and see kids, don't take role of authority
    • fun seeker grandparent: more informal, mutual enjoyemnt
    • surrogate grandparent: similar to daycare grandparent
    • reservior of family wisdom: more authoritarian and dispense famiy wisdom
    • distant figure grandpart: sees rarely, mainly on holidays, rare
    • caregiving and custodial grandparent
    • caregiving grandparent: 3types
    • 1. daycare grandparent: CHOICE, doing it to be helful, enjoyable
    • 2. Living with grandparent: all living in the same house for several diff reasons
    • 3. custodial grandparent: legal rights, performing parental duties (neg. ), becoming primary caregiver, reaction to family trauma

    Rise of caregiving grandparents: white middle class and married, 20% live in poverty,

    grandmother only households=economic hardships

    w/o parents are likely to be uninsured, 1/3 grandparent has no high school diploma
  4. In-Law Relationships
    • characteristics of in-law relationships
    • triadic relationship: composition of in law triagle= a linchpin (husband), the linchpin spuse and the linchpin's relaitives
    • cultural variation
    • nonvoluntary relationship

    • development of in-law relationship:
    • 1. initial stage of dev: dating
    • 2. marriage
    • 3. transition to parenthood/grandparenthood
    • 4. provide care for aging parent in law

    • establishing in law identities
    • creating identity based on roles, obligations, expectations
    • types of relationship: parent/child, extended family, friendship

    • Sources of conflict
    • differences in lifestyles, customs, values, generational differences, family loyalties, personality differences, experience with other in-law family members, support exchanges: inde, dep, interdepend

    Establishing Solidarity: disclosure (boundaries, relational uncertainty, family history), role of linchpin,
  5. Mending Grandmother, Daughter-in-law relationships Article
  6. Grandparents Raising Grandchildren
  7. Developing Intergenerational Relationships Article
  8. The Sandwhich Generation Art.
  9. Role Reversal
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quiz 2