Air Cell
A tiny bubble of air, created by creaming or foaming, that assists in leavening a dough or batter.
Angel Food Method
A cake-mixing method involving folding a mixture of flour and sugar into a meringue.
Baumkuchen (bowm koo khen)
A cake made by adding one thin layer of batter at a time to a pan and browning lightly under a broiler after each addition, repeating until the cake is the desired thickness.
Chiffon Method
A cake-mixing method involving the folding of whipped egg whites into a batter made of flour, egg yolks, and oil.
Creaming Method
A mixing method that begins with the blending of fat and sugar; used for cakes, cookies, and similar items.
Egg-Foam Cake
A cake leavened primarily by whipped eggs; it usually has a low percentage of fat.
A uniform mixture of two or more unmixable substances.
Flour-Batter Method
A cake-mixing method in which the flour is first mixed with the fat.
Fruit Cake
A loaf cake containing a high percentage of dried and candied fruits and, usually, nuts.
A sponge cake made by whipping whole eggs with sugar and folding in flour and, sometimes, melted butter.
High-Fat Cake
A cake with a high percentage of fat; distinguished from a sponge or egg-foam cake.
Hot Milk and Butter Sponge
A sponge cake batter in which a mixture of warm milk and melted butter is mixed into the batter.
Pound Cake
(1) A cake made of equal weights of flour, butter, sugar, and eggs. (2) Any cake resembling this.
Ribbon Sponge
A thin sponge cake layer with a decorative design made of stencil paste.
Sponge Method
A cake-mixing method based on whipped eggs and sugar.
Sponge Roll (Swiss Roll)
A thin sponge cake layer spread with a filling and rolled up.
Two-Stage Method
A cake-mixing method, beginning with the blending of flour and high-ratio shortening, followed by the addition of liquids. Also called the high-ratio method.