
  1. Flagpole Analogy
    • Flag = Muscle
    • Pole = Tendon
  2. Multipennate muscle Found in?
  3. Conbergent Muscle
    • Start fanned out and converge
    • Big to small
  4. Insertion
    • Where the muscle ends
    • Where the muscle acts

    Ex. Action end of muscle
  5. Action (3 types)
    • Prime movers (agonists)
    • Synergists
    • Antagonists
  6. Prime movers (agonists)
    Mainly responsible for producing a particular movement.

    Ex. Flexing, and extending arm.
  7. Synergist
    • Aide to agonists
    • Provide additional pull near the insertion or stabilizing point.
    • Typically most useful at ther beginning of a movement.

    • Ex. Helpers to muscle
    • Most useful at the beginning of muscle contraction
  8. Antagonist
    • Movement oppose the agonist.
    • Ex. Triceps (antagonists) to biceps (agonist)
    • If agonist flexes, antagonist will extend.
  9. 3 levers
    • Resistance- Garvity
    • Fulcrum- Fixed point, resting point
    • Applied force- Opposite of resistance
  10. Elevation/ Deppression
    • Mandible
    • Eevation = close
    • Deppression = Close
  11. FLexion/ Extension/ Hyperextension
    • Flexion = Flex guns
    • Extension = Extend arm
  12. Flexion/ extension/ Hypertension
    • Flexion = Down
    • Extension = Normal
    • Hypertension = Backwards
  13. Dorsiflexion/ Plantarflexion
    • Dorsiflexion = Lift foot up at ankle
    • Plantarflexion = Foot flat on ground
  14. Protraction/ Retraction
    Shoulders/ Mandible
    • Protraction = Forward
    • Retraction = Pull back
  15. Inversion/ Eversion
    Foot at ankle
    • Inversion = Inwards
    • Everion = Foot outwards
  16. Opposition/ Reposition
    Hand at thumb
    • Opposaition = Thumb forlded in
    • Reposition = Thumb extended outwards
  17. Rotation/ Circumduction
    Arm/ leg
    • Rotation = Head left, center, right
    • Medial ROtation = Toes pointed towards middle
    • Lateral Rotation = Toes pointed outwards
    • Circumduction = Arm going in full circle
  18. Abduction/ Adduction
    • Abduction = Arms extended outwards / Straight
    • Adduction = Arms at rest / Down
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Unit 2 Lecture