music 2

  1. all of the above: bartok evolved a completely individual style that fused folk elements, classical forms and 20th century sounds. most folk melodies he observed adhered to the old church modes or the ancient greek modes and certian still lder modes and change of meter
  2. how does he unify cnotrasting movement of a composition by bringing back a theme in transformned versions
  3. all of the above: bartok always organized his works around a tnoal center within his tonal framework he often used harsh dissonances, polychords and tone clustrs
  4. all of the above: composers were obliged to follow the doctrien of socialist realism which demandd that they reject modernism. music had to be accessible and melodic and avoid exzessive dissonance and complexity. leading composers like prokofieve were highly honerder member of soviet society but like everone else they were forced to follow the dictates of teh communist party
  5. ives went in to the insurance business starting out as a clerk in New York
  6. ives scores accumulated in the barn of his connecticut farm
  7. all of the above: through experimental and far ahead of their time ives compositions are deeply rooted in the flk and popular music he knew as a boy revival hymns and ragtime , village bands and church choirs, patriotic songs and barn dances
  8. tin pan ally is a neighborhood in manhattan and was also used for the type of music it represnted
  9. in 1920 gershwin song swanee was a tremendous his the recording by singer al jolson sold million of copies. gershwin also worked with his brother
  10. gershwin began to write his most extendd work, the opera, porgy and bess
  11. the flowering of african american culture during the years 1917-1935 sometimes called the harlem renaissance
  12. william still also studied privately with two imporant composers in opposing musical cams: the conserative george chadwich and the modernist edgard varese. still turned away from avant-garde styles and wrote compositiion with an uniquely african americal flavor that wer performend to critical acclaim in new york
  13. in 1921 copland went to france where he was th first american to study composition with nadia boulanger
  14. appalachian spring originated as a ballet score for martha grahm the great modern dancer and choreographer
  15. since WW2 musical styles took many new directions and changes
  16. many composers of the 1950 adn 1960s chose to write music that was stylistically reminiscent to anton webern
  17. serialism is a 12 tone system that came to be used to organize dimensions of music other than pitch, such as rhythm dynamics and tone color
  18. chance msuic is when composers choose pitches, tone colors, and rhythms by random methods such as throwing coins
  19. john cage invented the prepared piano, the grand piano which sounds is altered by objects such as bolts, screws, rubber bands, and pieces of felt
  20. in the 1958 at the age of 75 edgard barese composed poeme electronique one of the earliest masterpieces of electronic music creatd in a tape studio, the 8 min work was designed to be heard within the pavilion of the philips radio corp at the 1958 brussels world fair. varese ovtained unique spatial effects by projecting sound from 425 loudspeakers placed all over the interiour surfaces of the pavilion. the composer worked in collaboration with the architect le corbusier who selecetd a series of images, photographs, painting and writing that were projected on the walls
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music 2