Northwestern D-04 Study Guide

  1. Describe what a job action is and give a specific example of one.
    Job actions can include votes of confidence, work slowdowns, work speedup and work stoppages. They are designed to draw attention to an issue through the manipulation of the work place, media or political process.
  2. Describe at least four of the responsibilities of the police chief and the chief’s management team in maintaining a professional labor-management relationship.
    • 1. Respect the union and the need to respect all members
    • 2. Do not let a single issue destroy a relationship
    • 3. Recognize you will not agree on every issue.
    • 4. Do not get involved in union affairs
    • 5. Be honest
    • 6. Recognize that Union reps may know more about labor laws then you do
    • 7. Be inclusive when making decisions
    • 8. Be aware of your own personality traits.
  3. Provide at least five examples of activities identified as management Rights.
    • 1. Plan, direct and control management operations
    • 2. Set policy, goals and objectives
    • 3. Discipline and fire employees
    • 4. Establish disciplinary procedures
    • 5. Establish work and performance schedules
    • 6. Determine tours of duties and assignments
    • 7. Contract or subcontract goods or services 8. Determine transfer policies
    • 9. Hire employees and establish selection criteria
    • 10. Promote employees and establish promotional procedures
    • 11. Determine standards of conduct for employees
    • 12. Educate and train employees
  4. Identify at least three concerns regarding the language or terminology used in a contract.
    • 1. Use short, declarative sentences
    • 2. Avoid “legalese”
    • 3. Be precise with terms ( Agency, union and employee)
    • 4. Avoid polysyllabic words and nebulous terms (reasonably, equitably, normally)
    • 5. Outline procedures in a step-by-step format
    • 6. Use examples to clarify abstract clauses
  5. Describe the Pros and Cons of binding arbitration.
    • 1. Independent review by a third party for resolution of contract disputes.
    • 2. Typically surrendered for right to strike
    • 3. Often serves as mechanism for keeping disputes out of court
    • 4. Does not always result in labor peace
    • 5. It is not guaranteed that a decision will be favorable to one of both sides and does not equate to labor peace.
  6. What are the Police Labor Relations Primary Concerns that were discussed in class that need to be considered when negotiating a labor contract or MOU.
    • 1. Balance the public’s need for services the police provide with the needs of the police employee.
    • 2. Develop and implement policies meant to achieve this balance
    • 3. Define the rights and duties of the police employees, employers, and employee organizations
    • 4. Settle disputes in contract negotiations and during the administration of the contract.
  7. In an IACP (International Chiefs of Police) 1999 questionnaire given to both police chiefs and police union/association presidents one of the questions was “what gets in the way of effective labor relations?” We discussed in class five (5) of the top ten responses as being more important to the material covered in the tab. What were those five (5) responses.
    • 1. Failure to communicate
    • 2. Tendency to personalize
    • 3. Lack of understanding, experience, and training in the process
    • 4. Focusing on positions rather than interests
    • 5. A close minded
  8. Describe the fundamental differences between Positional Bargaining and Interest-based Bargaining.
    • 1. Locks into position
    • 2. Hard and Soft strategies
    • 3. Small concessions
    • 4. Prolonged process
    • 5. Damages Relationships

    • Focuses on:
    • 1. People
    • 2. Interests
    • 3. Options
    • 4. Concerns
  9. Negotiating a labor contract or MOU is both a relationship and a process. There are a systematic series of steps that should be taken. What are those steps?
    • 1. Identify proposals or demands
    • 2. Prepare for bargaining
    • 3. Negotiating the agreement
    • 4. Specifying the terms and conditions of employment for a fixed period of time
    • 5. Day to day administration of the agreement
  10. What is a Past practice?
    Actions that are not clearly addressed in the agreement that are unequivocal, clear, acted upon for a reasonable period of time and accepted by both parties.
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Northwestern D-04 Study Guide
Northwestern D-04 Study Guide