1. Self-Concept
    The total sum of beliefs that people have about themselves. The self-concept is made up of cognitive molecules called self-schemas.
  2. Self-Schemas
    the beliefs about oneself that guide the processing of self-relevant information
  3. The self-reference effect
    is the tendency to recall information related to self
  4. Self-Complexity
    is the theory that people differ in arrangement of thoughts concerning self-- in terms of organizational complexity
  5. Reflected-Appraisal Process
    refers to a process where we imagine how other people see us.
  6. self-perception theory
    when internal cues are difficult to interpret, people gain self-insight by observing their own behavior.
  7. over justification effect
    the tendency for a intrinsic motivation to diminish for activities that have become associated with reward or other extrinsic factors
  8. When is the OJE more unlikely to occur?
  9. -when the base rate of the reward starts off low
    • -when extrinsic rewards are not salient(reminding)
    • -when rewards are offered as a sign of competence (not bride)-not as an attempt to control behavior.
  10. self-comparison theory
    when people are uncertain of their abilities or opinions—that is, when objective information is not readily available—they evaluate themselves through comparisons with similar others
  11. two-factor theory of emotion
    first, the person must experience the symptoms of physiological arousal (racing heart, perspiration, tightening stomach, etc.) Second, a person must make a cognitive interpretation that explains the source of the arousal.
  12. self-esteem
    an affectively charged component of the self. It refers to our positive and negative evaluations of ourselves
  13. Terror Management Theory
    states that humans cope with the fear of their own death by constructing worldviews that help to preserve their self-esteem
  14. self-awareness theory
    states that self-focused attention leads people to notice self-discrepancies, thereby motivating either an escape from self-awareness or a change in behavior
  15. Self-handicapping
    refers to the actions people take to handicap their own performances in order to build an excuse for anticipated failure
  16. Self-verification
    the desire to have others perceive us as we truly perceive ourselves.
  17. Self-monitoring
    the tendency to regulate one’s own behavior to meet the demands of social situations.
  18. Self-presentation
    the process by which we try to shape what others think of us and what we think of ourselves.
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